By | July 4, 2019

About the Muteesa I Royal University (MRU)

Historical Background

The establishment of Muteesa I Royal University (MRU) was a dual inspiration and motivation by Ssabasajja Kabaka Muwenda Mutebi II and promoted by the Executive Committee of the Buganda Kingdom, headed by the Katikkiro.

The basic preparatory work was carried out by the Buganda University Task Force (BUTF), which was inaugurated by Katikkiro of Buganda on 8th June 2004 and submitted its final report on 2nd December 2004. The BUTF’s report was followed up by the formation of MRU Implementation Committee, which was succeeded by the Interim University Council on 1st June 2005 to serve for one year, and subseq

uently a fully fledged University Council inaugurated by the Chancellor. The National Council for Higher Education on 5th April 2005 Licensed Muteesa I Royal University to operate as a private University. The University opened its doors to the public on 01-10-2007.The Buganda Monarch is responsible for the establishment of many various academic institutions.


The University’s name is Muteesa I Royal University in recognition of a monarch of great vision, Kabaka Muteesa I of Buganda (1856-1884), whose invitation of Missionaries through a letter to Queen Victoria of England is generally regarded as the genesis of modern formal education in Uganda.


Muteesa I Royal University main campus is located in Masaka town 120km west of Kampala. The second campus is located at Kakeeka-Mengo in Kampala city along Wakaliga road. The third Campus is Buwekula which is located in Mubende District


  • Total commitment to optimum and integrated realization of individuals’ intellectual, moral and productive potential.


  • To provide an effective and efficient setting for the development of intellectually dynamic individuals, principled and resourceful professionals and practitioners.


  • Inspired by the need to develop an academic as well as a culturally strong institution, MRU is guided by the following core values and principles in its own transformation:


  • Research-mindedness
  • Resourcefulness
  • Analytic thinking
  • Enterprising aptness


  • Human disposition
  • Mutual respect
  • Integrity
  • Prudence
  • Decency
  • Functional cultural appreciation

Muteesa I Royal University MRU Anthem

Muteesa I Royal University
What a treasure, oh what a treasure we have!
How we pride in you for your impact immense
On all the persons that go through your hands.


Hail Ssekabaka Muteesa the first
Who had such a vision for a greater Buganda,
Zealous for reform and for modernity,
Truly education has now been enhanced!
Muteesa I Royal University
A vision put in effect by Muteesa, the second,
And then consolidated by Mutebi, the second,
To make Buganda Kingdom greatly shine.


Muteesa I Royal University
Greater are horizons that we seek in thought and deed,
Always marching on, marching as if to war,
Prudently, decently, as we march on.


Muteesa I Royal University
Humbly unto God we commit all our works
Help us to achieve all the goals that we set
For the advancement of our motherland