By | June 21, 2019

How to Apply to the University of Cape Town (UCT)

UCT Application and Acceptance Process

Applying for University may seem tricky, but with a few simple steps from you will see that it is actually very easy.

When should I apply?

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible in the application cycle, which commences in April of every year. You can find UCT’s online application form here.

To access the UCT undergraduate application form, click here. For the postgraduate application form, click here. You can print out, and submit the completed form back to UCT.

South Africans learners wishing to apply online will need a working email address and an ID number. Foreign learners wishing to apply will need to have their passport number.

Application Fees:

Applicants are required to pay an application fee, except in the case of most graduates of UCT. Application fees for South Africans and the SADC region is R100.

For more information regarding application fees, please click here.

Submitting of Results and Documents:

School learners must ensure that all examination results from Grade 11 until September of Grade 12 are submitted. Failure to do such may result in delays within the student’s application process. You might find that you applied early in Grade 12 and thus only sent in your final Grade 11 results. If this is true, as the year progresses and you receive more results keep sending them through to UCT, that way they will have all your results by the time finals come around.

Transferring students should too ensure that all transcripts and academic records are submitted as early as possible as well as that a final transcript of current studies being undertaken reaches the Admissions Office as soon as possible after receipt.

Once you have applied, keep a look out for your acceptance and/or provisional acceptance letter. You are encouraged to monitor your application status at all times, and can do so here.

If you have any concerns or any questions, do not hesitate to call: Tel 021 650 2128 or visit UCT’s website for more contacts.