By | July 3, 2019

Kayiwa International University Application Procedure

Registration Procedure

Students will be required on admission, to register with the faculties/schools/departments by filling the official registration forms.

The process of Registration differs from the Admission Process, and must be carried out at the beginning of each semester. The process requires completion of five (5) copies of registration forms, obtaining required signatures, and then submitting the forms to the responsible offices.

The registration process shall involve the following steps:

a)Checking the semester’s schedule in reference to the academic program structures as outlined in the Academic Prospectus and make a personal list of courses to be taken that semester.

b)Pay the required fees directly to the Bank and present the receipt to the Accountant and Academic Registrar.

c)Pick the registration form from the Academic Registrar’s Office and fill it up.

d)Get the required signatures.

e)Submit one copy to the Academic Registrar’s Office, one copy to the Accountant, one copy to the School/Faculty Dean, and keep one copy for personal reference.

f)If changes need to be made in the list of courses after obtaining signatures, or submitting the forms, complete another form called CHANGE OF PROGRAM form. All changes must be made before the given deadline in the University Calendar.

g)On submission of the completed and signed registration form, an Entrance Permit shall be issued with a list of courses that the student has registered signifying that he/she has been officially permitted to sit in the listed classes that semester.

h)The Senate may, after the semester examinations in any academic year, cancel student’s registration for the remainder of that academic year and may refuse student’s permission to renew registration in any faculty/school if the student is unable to satisfy, by the end of the academic year, the minimum requirements of study prescribed by the faculty/school in which they are registered.

i)After registering, each student shall obtain a university photo identification card. It shall be presented for permission to use the library services and be required for admission to university events and when using other University facilities. It is not transferable and is validated each new academic year after payment is made for classes.

j)Until this process is completed a student shall not officially be recognized as registered for that particular semester. Attending classes without being officially registered shall be an offense. No grade will be issued for a course for which a student has not registered.

7.1 Late Registration

A specific time frame is given to students who because of inevitable circumstances may report late for registration. This is immediately after passing of the registration deadline.

There is late registration fee for those students who may have missed formal registration, coupled with the normal fee, and complete the registration before the deadline for late registration.

Absence from classes during this period is noted and is counted as excused absences that are part of the absence quota permitted to students.

Students shall be expected to properly register after payment of full tuition by the time of the deadline.

Students should verify the accuracy of their enrollments. Incorrect enrollments may result in academic and financial penalties.

No student will be allowed to sit for end of semester exams before clearing all the fees due to him/her. 40% of the fees should be paid in the first week of the semester and the remaining 60% after one month.

Important Links;

Kayiwa International University Application Forms

Kayiwa International University Grading System

Kayiwa International University Courses Offered

Kayiwa International University Admission Requirements

Kayiwa International University Short Courses

Kayiwa International University Foreign Students Admissions

Kayiwa International University Provisional Admissions