By | July 3, 2019

Kayiwa International University Grading System

Assessment and Grading

Each Course is assessed in two parts:

•Course- work (Progressive/Continuous Assessment) contributes not less than 30%

•Examinations contribute a maximum of 70%of the to tal marks.

Each Course is graded out of a maximum of one hundred (100) marks and assigned appropriate letter grades and grade points as follows:

The Pass Mark in any course is 50%

8.1 Supplementary Examinations:

There is an allowance for supplementary Examinations in the Semester System, if the reason for their request by the student is considered convincing to the Academic Board.

A student requesting for supplementary Examinations is required to fill a “Supplementary Examinations request form, then signed by Director Academics, Head of Department and Academic Registrar.

When a student has to sit a course a gain,h/she has to wait and re−sit that course,with penalty of a fee, when it is offered again.

The re-examination fee per paper is determined by the Leading Council for both Ugandans and Non- Ugandans.

8.2 Progression

Progression of a student is classified as Normal or Probationary.

8.3 Normal Progress

Normal progress occurs when a student has passed all the specified courses. This occurs when a student passes each course taken with a minimum grade point of 2.0.

8.4 Probationary Progress

This is a warning stage and it occurs if:

(a)A student fails the Core or Compulsory Course.

(b)A student obtains the Cumulative Grade Point Average of less than two (2) at the end of any semester.

Note. When the Grade Point Average of a student goes up in the following semester after the student has re-sat and passed the failed courses, then the probation shall be removed.

8.5 Discontinuation

A student will be discontinued from a programme in one of the following conditions obtains:

(a)Receiving three probations on the same core/compulsory course.

(b)Receiving two consecutive probations based on Cumulative Grade Point Average.

8.6 Re-taking a Course

A candidate can re-take a course once to better his/her average. The Transcript shall indicate so if done.

8.7 Classification

(a)Since there would be enough Courses in all the years of study, the university will not weigh the performance in the various academic years of study.

(b)The Cumulative Grade Point Average for the various classes shall follow the classification below:

8.7.1 Class Cumulative Grade Point Average

8.7.2 How GPA shall be calculated

Being an International University situated in both the USA and Uganda, and hoping to extend to other regions and countries, the Academic Board of KINTU adopted GPA calculation accepted by International coupled with National GPA calculation standards.

The points for each class are multiplied by the number of credits or hours for that class, added together, and divided by the total number of credits or hours.

Important Links;

Kayiwa International University Application Forms

Kayiwa International University Courses Offered

Kayiwa International University Admission Requirements

Kayiwa International University Short Courses

Kayiwa International University Foreign Students Admissions

Kayiwa International University Provisional Admissions

Kayiwa International University Registration Procedure