By | June 28, 2019

List of Courses Offered at African Renewal University (AFRU)

Admission For African Renewal University. Visit Our Admissions Portal For Details

Theology (B.A., 120 Credit Hours)

Provides students with the solid biblical foundation, skills, and strategies necessary to effectively minister inside and outside the church community.

Child Development (B.A., 120 Credit Hours)

Provides students the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for Uganda’s large community of children and develop an environment in which children grow intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually.

Community Development (B.A., 120 Credit Hours)

Provides students the knowledge and skills necessary to empower and transform communities to become holistic, equitable, and sustainable.

Community Health (B.A., 122 Credit Hours)

Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve community health and wellness by employing preventive measures against diseases and increasing awareness of health risks.

Social Work and Social Administration (B.A, 120 Credit Hours)

Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to both administer social services to individuals and apply population-focused advocacy to transform Ugandan social institutions.

Disabilities Studies and Special Education (B.A., 120 credit hours)

Provides students a biblical theology of disability, suffering, and church ministry through a program called “Designed by God” in partnership with Joni and Friends International Christian Institute on Disability.

Bachelors in Business Administration   (B.A., 120 credit hours)

BBA course is a 3 year program that trains Christian business managers & administrators to serve in a range of organisations including multinational corporations, private business entities, government agencies and community based organisations AfRU equips its learners to be servant leaders & role models of the community and global business village


Biblical Studies (Diploma, 64 Credit Hours)

Provides pastors and teachers the tools to study, interpret, and apply the word of God to their lives and ministries.

Child Development (Diploma, 64 Credit Hours)

Provides children ministers, teachers, and caregivers the knowledge and practical skills necessary to care for children at risk such as those who are orphaned, abused, and abandoned.

Business Administration( Diploma,64 Credit Hours)

Computer and Information Technology (Diploma, 64 Credit Hours)

Provides students with the business, media, computing and communication skills necessary to success in today’s IT industries and business organizations.


Ministry (Certificate, 32 Credit Hours)

Provides pastors and ministers practical skills of evangelism, discipleship, and church leadership in the context of biblical ministry.

Certificate in Computer and Information Technology ( 32 credit Hours)