Makerere University Mature Age Entry Scheme Examinations

Makerere University Mature Age Entry Scheme Examinations
To be eligible for the Mature Age entry examinations, the candidate must be at least 25 years old during the year of application.
Application forms for those intending to sit the examinations are issued at the university, Room 505, Senate building on payment of non-refundable application fees of shs.150,000/= using makerere university bank paying-in slips in the following banks:-
- Stanbic Bank
- Post Bank
- dfcu Bank
- Centenary Bank
Mature Age Examinations are sat in December of the preceding academic year. The closing date for submitting the completed application forms is announced on the News Portal (
Further details may be obtained from: Level 5, Room 505, Senate Building, Makerere University.
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University, announces that the Mature Age Entry Scheme examinations for the academic year entry will be held on Saturday 16th December.
To be eligible for the Mature Age Entry Examinations, the candidate must be at least 25 years old before 1st August.
Contact Us
Makerere University
P.O. Box 7062
Kampala, Uganda
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