Master of Science (MSc) in Physics At Kyambogo University

The MSc in Physics programme combines a coursework component with research experience at the frontiers of physics and applied physics research. Masters students are also expected to complete a research thesis, though at a lower level of comprehensiveness and scope than PhD theses.
Master of Science (MSc) in Physics At Kyambogo University Entry Requirements
Check Kyambogo University Application Deadline
Kyambogo University online Application guide
A) Things you need
a. An email address and contact number
b. You academic Documents to pick Key detail like award institution, index number for o and a level, year of award or sitting etc.
c. An Internet Connection.
B) How to Do it
Step 1: Accessing the Application Portal Link:
Access The online application link above.
NOTE: There might be other websites masquerading as the application portal. Only access the link above or advertised by the university. Ensure that the page is secure before you continue.
Step 2: Signup
– Signup by clicking the orange signup button at the bottom of the page. If you cannot see the button, your browser could be having a zoom in setting. Zoom out holding down the “CTRL” button and pressing “+” button on PC and “CMD”and “+” on Mac read more
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Job Prospects After Studying Master of Science (MSc) in Physics
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Academic researcher
Acoustic consultant
Clinical scientist, medical physics
Higher education lecturer
Radiation protection practitioner
Research scientist (physical sciences)
Secondary school teacher
Sound engineer
Technical author
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Applications developer
Clinical technologist
Data analyst
Nuclear engineer
Operational researcher
Patent attorney
Software engineer
Telecommunications researcher