Uganda Certificate In Nursing School Fees Structure

Uganda Certificate In Nursing School Fees Structure

Certificate in General Nursing (CN ) is a 2 ½ year training program

Entry Requirement

The minimum entry requirement for this program is an “O” Level Certificate with credits in the following subjects: Mathematics, English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

School Fees Structure for Certificate in Nursing

ITEMSemester One Semester Two Semester Three Semester Four Semester Five 
Tuition Fees per semester800,000800,000800,000800,000800,000
Development Fund70,00070,00070,00070,00070,000
Index fee20,000    
Identity card                        15,000    
Guild fee25,00025,00025,00025,00025,000
Extra Curricular activities40,00040,00040,00040,00040,000
Institutional fee28,000    
Contribution towards practicum100,000100,000100,000100,000100,000
Hepatitis B vaccination106,000    
IMCI  50,000  
Internal Exams40,00040,00040,00040,000 
UNMEB Semester Exams200,000200,000200,000200,000200,000
Pre state final Exams    100,000
Graduatuin fee    150,000
Medical Examination40,000    
Nurses Log Book20,000    
Nurses & midwifery Procedure manual book40,000    
Grand Totals2,189,0001,795,0001,845,0001,795,0002,005,000