How Much It Cost To Renew A Driving Licence In Uganda

How Much It Cost To Renew A Driving Licence In Uganda

Driving Licence is a document permitting a person to drive a motor vehicle.

Cost To Renewing A Driving Licence In Uganda

Driving licences are valid for one, three, and five years. You will get an SMS reminder to renew your current licence before it expires.

ValidityPrice (UGX)
Five years310,000
Three years210,000
One year130,000

Replace a lost, stolen, or damaged licence

This costs Shs121,000. You must replace your licence if its been lost, stolen, or damaged.

Add a class to your licence

This costs Shs121,000. You must test for the class/classes you want to add at the IOV; this incurs a separate charge for each class.

Exchange a foreign driving licence

ValidityPrice (UGX)
Five years330,000
Three years230,000
One year135,000

Please note: UDLS does not handle any payments, and we do not accept cash at our branches. Payments for services are made via the URA website.

How much is a driving licence in Uganda?

After you have learned how to drive, visit the URA website and pay Shs25,000 for a driving test at the Inspectorate of Vehicles. The IOV will issue you with a certificate of competence once you complete the test (or tests if you are applying to be licenced for more than one class) successfully.

How long does it take to renew driving permit in Uganda?

Once you submit all documents for renewal or a new licence, our head office in Kampala should issue your licence in about an hour, while branches outside of Kampala should issue the licence within forty-eight hours.