How Much It Cost To Get A Passport In Uganda

How Much It Cost To Get A Passport In Uganda

A Passport is an official document issued by a government, certifying the holder’s identity and citizenship and entitling them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

How Much It Cost To Get A Passport In Uganda

The Passport costs Uganda Shillings UGX 250,000 for normal applications or UGX 400,000 for Express applications (UGX 250,000 for Ordinary Passports and UGX 150,000 for Express Processing making the total of UGX400,000), UGX 400,000 for Official Passports and UGX 500,000 for Diplomatic Passports.

Requirements For Renewal of Ugandan Passport

  1. National ID
  2. Present your old Passport.
  3. Recommendation letter from a Ugandan national of good understanding in society who knows your citizenship. The recommender should provide a copy of his/her National ID
  4. In the event you are making any changes, change of profession, names due to marital status, you will be required to attach the relevant legal proof of changes.
  5. If you have a profession or making changes in your profession, ensure that you attach a photocopy of your academic transcript or certificate
  6. The fee is UGX 250,000, Bank Charges exclusive for replacement of your Passport
  7. Express fee is an extra UGX 150,000, Bank Charges exclusive.

Requirements for Change of Names or other Particulars

Required Documents:

  1. Present written explanation for change of names addressed to the Passport Control Officer.
  2. Attach Supportive documents i.e. deed poll, marriage, certificate, etc.
  3. Attach a copy of the National ID with the name clearly appearing
  4. The fee is UGX 250,000, Bank Charges exclusive for replacement of your Passport
  5. Express fee is an extra UGX 150,000, Bank Charges exclusive.

How long does renewing Passport take in Uganda?

Applicants MUST ensure that the courier fees are included along with the passport application fees. 3. Please note that due to reduced operations, possible disruptions and logistical challenges in expedited passport service, the turn-around time for passport renewal is approximately 14 working days.

How much is a Ugandan passport?

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The Passport costs Uganda Shillings UGX 250,000 for normal applications or UGX 400,000 for Express applications (UGX 250,000 for Ordinary Passports and UGX 150,000 for Express Processing making the total of UGX400,000), UGX 400,000 for Official Passports and UGX 500,000 for Diplomatic Passports.

Are Ugandan old passports still valid?

Following the introduction of the new East African E-passport, government has mulled plans to have the old machine-readable passports phased out for the new ones. The old passports will therefore expire on April, 4, 2022 but a number of Ugandans have not yet applied for the new East African E-passports.