How Much It Cost To Get A Birth Certificate In Uganda

How Much It Cost To Get A Birth Certificate In Uganda

A birth certificate is a vital record that documents the birth of a person. The term “birth certificate” can refer to either the original document certifying the circumstances of the birth or to a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that birth.

How Much It Cost To Get A Birth Certificate In Uganda

According to NIRA, the requirements to obtain a Birth Certificate are copies of national identity cards of both parents, a birth notification record from the place of birth, and a copy of your National ID if you are an adult.

The certificate costs Shs5,000 which is paid in the bank. 

See Also :Requirements For Getting A Birth Certificate In Uganda

How To Get Birth Certificate In Uganda?

Below are the procedure to get a birth certificate in Uganda

Application for Birth Certificate

A Birth Notification Form.

A NIRA Birth Application Form Completed and Signed By the Notifier.

Copy of National ID of the Notifier.

National Identification Number (NIN)/NID of the Applicant.

Payment Receipt.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Birth Certificate In Uganda?

Yes; Upon notification of birth from the hospital or the community, and application by the declarant, a birth certificate is issued within 2 days. Is an official birth certificate issued as a result of birth registration.

How Do You Process A Birth Certificate In Uganda?

The process of securing a birth certificate for your newborn is as follows:

Compile medical records.

Registration at the Local Civil Registry.

Get your child’s Certificate of Live Birth stamped.

Apply for a birth certificate.

Release of birth certificate.

What Is The Importance Of Birth Certificate In Uganda?

Birth certificates are important as it is to authenticate one’s identity and nationality; to gain access to health care and social services; access to education; access to inherit property; prevent child exploitation; access to legal work; for driver’s license, passport, to open bank account, and register to vote.