How Much It Cost To Get Electricity In Uganda
The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) is in receipt of a Policy Directive from the Government of Uganda in line with Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 1999, Chapter 145 of the Laws of Uganda with respect to the implementation of the Electricity Connections Policy (ECP).
The Policy Directive notes that the Free Connections Policy has been implemented since November 2018 and has achieved close to the target of 300,000 New Connections Per Year.
It further notes that the high number of New Connections requires a correspondingly High Budget provision from Government which has become a challenge, especially under the COVID-19 Pandemic Conditions with many Competing Demands.
A Directive has, therefore, been issued to ensure that Electricity Connections Continue; especially for those who have the Ability and are Willing to pay for their Connections while maintaining the Free Connections Provision of the Electricity Connections Policy for members of the public willing to wait for the Government to mobilize resources.
Following the Policy Direction, ERA hereby informs the General Public of the Approved Costs that shall be Charged to Customers by the Electricity Distribution Licensees/Service Providers in respect of the different Connection Types as follows: Check here
- The Approved New Connection Cost is inclusive of Meter Test Fees of Ush 8,000 payable to Uganda National Bureau of Standards.
- Inspection Fees Applicable: Ush 41,300.
ERA further Informs the General Public that:
All Licensed Electricity Distribution Companies have been directed to make Electricity Connections for Customers who have the Financial Capacity and willingness to pay for their connections at Regulated Connection Costs, Effective Monday, 7th December 2020.
All Licensed Electricity Distribution Companies are directed to Publish the ERA-Approved Connection Costs to their Customers using customer appropriate platforms including visible charts in their various field offices.
The consumers who had earlier applied for Electricity Connection through the ECP shall be required to top up payment in line with the ERA-Approved New Connection Charges, and sign an Addendum to the Application consenting to ability and willingness to pay the cost-reflective connection charges to be connected to Power Supply.
Consumers who earlier Applied through the ECP but do not have capacity to top up payment in line with the ERA-Approved New Connection Charges are advised to wait until such a time when the Government has mobilized resources to finance the New Connections as guided by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development in the Policy Directive.
Connections paid for by the consumers will be assigned identification codes to clearly differentiate them from the Free Connections.