How Much Does It Cost To Connect Electricity In Uganda

How Much Does It Cost To Connect Electricity In Uganda

The Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) is in receipt of a Policy Directive from the Government of Uganda in line with Section 17 of the Electricity Act, 1999, Chapter 145 of the Laws of Uganda with respect to the implementation of the Electricity Connections Policy (ECP).

The Policy Directive notes that the Free Connections Policy has been implemented since November 2018 and has achieved close to the target of 300,000 New Connections Per Year.

A Directive has, therefore, been issued to ensure that Electricity Connections Continue; especially for those who have the Ability and are Willing to pay for their Connections while maintaining the Free Connections Provision of the Electricity Connections Policy for members of the public willing to wait for the Government to mobilize resources.


* See below definition of tariff types

Inspection Fees

DescriptionInspection Fees
a) Domestic / ResidentialUGX 41,300
b) Ordinary Commercial e.g. Shops/KiosksUGX 41,300
c) Three Phase – Time of UseUGX 88,500
d) Three phase – KVAUGX 118,000
1. New Connection Fees (Standard/ Single phase no pole and one pole connections)
Meter typeERA Approved VAT Incl costs (UGX)
a) Wireless split meter – No poleUGX 720,883
b) Bare Conductor Wireless split meter – One PoleUGX 2,387,472
c) ABC Conductor Wireless split meter – One PoleUGX 2,741,188
2. New Connection Fees (Non-standard and three phase connections)
New connection fees (Non-Standard Connection)Connection Fees Chargeable
a) 2 pole and more connections – single phaseCost after survey
b) Commercial-Three Phase (TOU)Cost after survey
c) Industrial – KVACost after survey

1. Domestic: LowVoltage supplied at 240 volts e.g.residential houses, salons, shops, kiosks etc.

2. Commercial: Single phase low voltage load e.g. supermarkets, restaurants, clinics etc.

3. Commercial: Three Phase low voltage below 100 Amperes e.g. small scale industries, fuel pumps, millers etc.

4. Industrial: Low & High voltage of 415 volts with maximum demand up to 500kVA and 11000 volts or 33,000 volts with maximum demand exceeding 500 kVA but up to 10,000 kVA respectively. Mainly used by large scale industries.