What Are The Types Of Taxes In Uganda?

What Are The Types Of Taxes In Uganda?

  • Value-added tax (VAT) VAT is governed by the VAT Act and administered by the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA).
  • Customs duties. Many goods imported into Uganda are subject to customs duties.
  • Excise duties.
  • Property taxes.
  • Stamp duties.
  • Environmental levies.
  • Payroll taxes.
  • Social security contributions.

What is the tax structure of Uganda?

Resident individuals enjoy a tax-free annual income threshold of UGX. 2,820,000 per annum. The balance is taxed at 10%, 20%, or 30% depending on the income bracket. Individuals who earn above UGX 120,000,000 pa pay an additional 10% on the income above 120m.

What are the taxes paid by companies in Uganda?

A non-resident company is only subject to Uganda income tax on income derived from sources in Uganda. The income tax rate applicable to the chargeable income of companies is 30%, with the exception of resident companies whose turnover does not exceed UGX 150 million, to whom presumptive tax applies 

What is an example of indirect taxes in Uganda?

Value Added Tax (VAT) is the main indirect tax in Uganda. It’s a tax on consumer expenditure and is collected on business transactions and imports. This tax on consumption is applied during the production and distribution process to most goods and services.