Bachelor of Nursing Science (Direct Entrants) At Kabale University

Bachelor of Nursing Science (Direct Entrants) At Kabale University

A BSN, which stands for Bachelor of Science in Nursing, is an undergraduate-level degree for registered nurses (RNs) that introduces nurses to topics such as patient care technology, research, health promotion, safety, and quality within the healthcare system.

Biomedical and Nursing Knowledge 

  • Demonstrate the ability to recall knowledge of human structure, function, development, and pathophysiology.
  • Understand epidemiological and social-behavioral science.
  • Apply the bio-medical knowledge to provide care to individuals, families, and society
  • The ability to comprehend, analyze, synthesize, and apply selected nursing theories with a broad base of knowledge from core nursing sciences and clinical placements to support general nursing practice.

Bachelor of Nursing Science At Kabale University Entry requirements

UACE (or equivalent) with principal passes in Biology and Chemistry, and a subsidiary in Physics, Mathematics, Agriculture or FDN; plus UCE (or equivalent) with 5 passes;
OR a Degree/Diploma in a health discipline or biological sciences

OR a Degree/Diploma in a health discipline or biological sciences

Bachelor of Nursing Science At Kabale University Course Duration:

It takes 4 years to complete a Bachelor of Nursing Science At Kabale University.

Job Prospects After Studying Bachelor of Nursing Science

Jobs directly related to your degree include:

Adult nurse

Children’s nurse

Health play specialist

Health visitor

High intensity therapist

Learning disability nurse

Mental health nurse



Physician associate

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:


Further education teacher

Genetic counsellor

Health service manager

Higher education lecturer

Medicinal chemist

Play therapist

Police officer

Social worker