TUDARCo Prospectus pdf Download

This prospectus is meant to be a source of information for the continuing and prospective students, the staff of the College, and the public in general. It has information on admission requirements, student activities, fee structure, academic programmes and courses, academic rules and regulations for students, examination
regulations, academic calendar, staff list, College Charter, and governance structure. It is important that students and stakeholders of TUDARCo read the contents of this Prospectus very carefully.
The contents are essential to students for a smooth passage through College academic life.
Generally, the Tumaini University Makumira Dar es Salaam College Prospectus comprises all the information a prospective student needs to become a fully admitted student of the Tumaini University Makumira Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO).
Here’s Tumaini University Makumira Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCO) prospectus 2023/2024. You can use the information available in this book to find a suitable course and to apply for admission study at TUDARCO in the 2023/2024 Academic year.
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