Requirements For A Residence Permit In Tanzania
Residence Permit Class A may be granted to a person who intends to reside in Tanzania and engage in trade, Business, Profession, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, prospecting of Minerals, or manufacturing.
- Dully filled online application
- Application letter
- Work Permit issued by Labour Commissioner (Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar)
- A Copy of the National Passport (With a validity of not less than six months)
- Passport size photograph,
- One full-size photograph,
- Registration Certificates from Relevant Authorities (in case the Business requires Authorization from specific Regulatory Authority),
- Certificate of Incentive (in case the business or project has been registered with Tanzania Investment Centre – TIC or Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority – ZIPA and EPZA),
- Board Resolution i.e. Extract of the Board Meeting resolving to appoint the applicant as a Director (where the applicant is not among the first Director),
- Memorandum and Articles of Association or Extract from Registrar showing Company shareholders, share distribution, and nominal capital of the company
- Certificate of incorporation or Certificate compliance or Business Name Registration or Certificate of change of name
- Valid Business license,
- Certificate of registration for Taxpayers (TIN),
- Valid tax clearance certificate,
- Tax payment slips,
- Lease agreement or Certificate of Occupancy,
- List which shows company assets,
- Physical Verification Visit Report (PVV) where necessary*
- Company Current Bank Statement where necessary
How much does it cost to get a residence permit in Tanzania?
Cost for Residence Permit Class A: USD 3050. USD 1550 For East African citizens. USD1000 for Diaspora investors.