Are Busitema University Admission Forms Out?

Busitema University is one of the accredited public universities in Uganda. Admission is based on requirements. The university offers a wide range of courses from undergraduate to postgraduate level. Find below the admission information for the application.
YES, Busitema University Admission forms is OUT NOW. Visit our homepage often for latest admission, courses, entry requirements, fees structure, and job vacancies in Uganda.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission:
a) To the PhD programme for candidates with Masters,
b) To the Masters’ degree programmes for candidates with Degrees,
c) To Undergraduate degree programmes for candidates with Diplomas /Degrees /Higher Education Access Certificates,
d) To Undergraduate degree and Certificates in Higher Education Access Programmes for A-level candidates,
e) To Diploma Programmes for candidates with Certificates / A-level results,
f) To the Certificate in General Agriculture course for candidates with atleast O’ Level results and
g) To Skills-Based Practical Short-Course Certificate Programmes for candidates with atleast Primary Leaving Education (PLE)
Check Busitema University Online Application
NOTE THAT for candidates with A-Level results, the eligibility to degrees and diplomas is as follows:
General Requirement Interested applicants should have: Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least five (5) passes. (Candidates who obtained results 7, 9, X, Y and Z at ‘O’ level need not apply)
(a) Degree Programmes
Should also have: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least two (2) principal passes in prescribed subjects obtained at the same sitting. Only candidates who sat A’ Level in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016 are eligible to apply EXCEPT for those who wish to apply for (BBA) Bachelor of Business Administration (Weekend) which is open for all years.
(b) Diploma Programmes:-
Should also have: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least ONE (1) principal pass and TWO (2) subsidiaries in principal subjects obtained at the same year of sitting. Only candidates who sat A’ Level in 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 & 2016 are eligible to apply.
GVT means Government, PVT means Private
Government slots are reserved for Diploma and certificate Holders only.
All applicants of Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MED), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BNS) and Bachelor of Science in Anaesthesia (BNA) will be required to sit the special entry examination scheduled for Saturday, 27thMay 2023 starting at 8:00 am at School of Clinical Officers, Mbale.
Candidates who did not offer Agriculture or Biology at A-Level should have passed it with at least a Credit at O-Level to be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Agricultural Mechanization and Irrigation Engineering (AMI).
Check Busitema University Application Deadline