Bachelor of Business Administration and Management At Muni University

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management At Muni University

The Bachelor of Business Administration and Management programme is fully accredited by National
Council for Higher Education (NCHE).

Minimum Admission Requirements

Direct Entry (U.A.C.E)

[1] Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) or its equivalent and at least five passes obtained at the same sitting with a credit score in Mathematics.

[2] Two principal passes in either Science or Arts subjects or its equivalent at U.A.C.E level obtained at the same sitting.

The essential, relevant, and desirable subjects shall be as follows:

Essential: Economics or Mathematics or Entrepreneurship and one best done of the remaining ‘A’ Level subjects.

Apply for Muni University Online Application

Relevant: Any second best done of the remaining A-Level subjects.

Desirable: General Paper, Sub-Mathematics, and Computer Studies.

Mature Age Entry Scheme

Eligible candidates:

[1] Must NOT be less than 22 years of age by the time of submitting the application.

[2] Must pass the University Mature Age Entry Examinations for the Bachelor of Business Administration.

Diploma Holders’ Entry Scheme

Must possess a Second Class Diploma (or its equivalent) in relevant areas of Business and Management from a recognized institution.

First Degree

A candidate who is in possession of at least second-class Bachelor’s Degree shall be considered for admission to the BBM programme.

Duration of the Programme
The Bachelor of Business Administration and Management programme of Muni University is a Three
(3) year degree programme.

The programme will be implemented on a Semester system, run using both the day (full time) and the evening-weekend models.