Basic Mathematics Form Four Necta Format for Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE)

This reviewed format focuses on competencies rather than content only. One remarkable feature in this revised format is that the topic on Kinematics has been omitted and a topic on Accounts has been introduced.
The general objectives of the Basic Mathematics examination are to test whether
- Mathematical competencies among candidates in solving practical problems in daily life have been developed.
- Mathematical concepts can be applied by candidates in interpreting situations at local and global levels.
- Candidates are able to use mathematical knowledge, techniques, and life skills for studying mathematics and related subjects.
- Candidates have been adequately prepared for higher studies.
The general competencies tested in the Basic Mathematics examination will include the candidates’ ability to:
- think critically and logically in interpreting and solving problems.
- use mathematical language in explaining and clarifying mathematical ideas.
- apply mathematical knowledge and techniques in other fields.
There will be one (1) paper of three (3) hours duration. The paper will consist of sections A and B. Section A will comprise ten (10) short answer questions carrying six (6) marks each. Section B will comprise six (6) long answer questions carrying ten (10) marks each. Candidates will be required to answer ALL questions in section A and four (4) from section B. In this section, candidates will be required to clearly show all workings.
- Numbers/Fractions, Decimals and Percentages/Approximations
- Exponents/Radicals/Logarithms
- Algebra / Sets
- Coordinate Geometry / Vectors
- Geometry / Perimeter and Areas / Congruence and Similarities
- Units / Rates and Variations
- Ratio, Profit and Loss
- Sequences and Series
- Trigonometry / Pythagoras Theorem
- Quadratic Equations
- Linear Programming
- Statistics
- Three Dimensional Figures/Circles/The Earth as a Sphere
- Accounts
- Matrices/ Transformations
- Probability/Relations/Functions