Biology Form Four Necta Format for Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE)

Biology Form Four Necta Format for Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE)


This examination format replaces the 2001 version.  No topic has been dropped out, but a new topic called “safety in our environment” has been added.  The revised examination format excludes alternatives to practical papers.  The mode of assessment has also changed from content-based to competence-based.

        2.0.      GENERAL OBJECTIVES

The examination will generally assess the extent to which the candidates can:

                        2.1.      evaluate the role, influence, and importance of biological science in everyday life.

2.2.      develop the capacity to improve and maintain their own health, of families and the community.

2.3. develop mastery of fundamental concepts, principles, and skills of biological science and related fields, such as agriculture, medicine, pharmacy and veterinary.

                        2.4.      develop necessary biological practical skills.

2.5.      ability to demonstrate scientific skills and procedures in interpreting various biological data.

2.6. acquire basic knowledge and apply appropriate skills in combating problems related to HIV/AIDS/STIs, gender, population, environment, drug/ substance abuse, and sexual and reproductive health.

2.7. develop the ability and desire for self-study, self-confidence and self-advancement in biological sciences and related fields.

        3.0.      GENERAL COMPETENCES

The examination will test the candidates’ ability to:

3.1. make appropriate use of biological knowledge, concepts, skills and principles in solving various problems in daily life.

3.2. record, analyze and interpret data from scientific investigations, using appropriate methods and technology to generate relevant information in biological science.

3.3. demonstrate knowledge and skills in combating health related problems such as HIV/AIDS, drugs and drug abuse, sexual and reproductive health.

3.4. access relevant information on biological science and related fields for self-study and life-long learning.

        4.0.      EXAMINATION RUBRIC

The examination will consist of two papers.  Paper 1 will be a theory paper and paper 2 a practical paper.  

                        4.1.        033/1 BIOLOGY 1

The theory paper will be of 3 hours duration.  It will comprise 13 questions in sections A, B, and C.

Candidate will be required to answer all the questions in sections A, and B; and one question from section C. The paper will weigh 100 marks.

4.1.1. Section A

Will consist of two questions each of which will weigh 10 marks.

4.1.2. Section B

Will consist of eight (8) structured short answer questions, each of which will be divided into two parts. This section will weigh a total of 60 marks, and the mark allocation for individual questions will be indicated at the end of each question.

4.1.3. Section C

Will comprise three (3) long answer/ essay questions.  Candidates will be required to answer only one (1) question. The answer for this question will have to be comprehensive, having as many points as possible. This question will weigh 20 marks.

                        4.2.        033/2 BIOLOGY 2 – PRACTICAL

Will be of 2:30 hours duration.  The paper will consist of two (2) questions.  Question 1 will be taken from any of the topics listed in the examination contents.  Questions 2 will focus on classification of living things.

Candidate will be required to answer both questions. The paper will weigh 50 marks, with 25 marks allocated for each question. 

                5.0.      EXAMINATION CONTENT

                                5.1       Introduction to Biology

                                5.2       Safety in our environment 

                                5.3       Health and prevention of diseases

                                5.4       Cell structure and organization

                                5.5       Classification of living things

                                5.6       Nutrition

                                5.7       Balance of nature

                                5.8       Transport of materials in living things

                                5.9       Gaseous exchange and respiration

                                5.10     Movement

                                5.11     Co-ordination

                                5.12     Excretion

                                5.13     Regulation

                                5.14     Reproduction

                                5.15     Growth

                                5.16     Genetics

                                5.17     Evolution

5.18 Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)