BTVET Curriculum

BTVET Curriculum

Diploma Programs

The diploma courses are categorised into two broad categories of National Diploma and Higher Diploma. Both National Diploma and Higher Diploma Courses are offered for a duration of 2 years. However the National diploma programmes provide the basic knowledge and skills whereas higher diploma programmes are a head up as regards to education.  They provide an indepth training with broader and intensive coverage equivalent to that of an associate degree.

 For instance, a student of Mechanical Engineering at National Diploma will study Basic Mathematics rather than Advanced Mathematics offered by a student of Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering.

The entry schemes for National Diploma Programmes are:

  • Advanced level entry scheme
  • Certificate entry scheme
  • Diploma entry scheme
  • Graduate entry scheme

Entry requirements for Higher Diploma Programmes  are; National Diploma in the related discipline, or an equivalent qualification weighted by Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board.

Certificate Courses

The certificate courses are modularised and aimed at opening up avenues for citizens to be skilled in particular specialised areas of one’s interest. These certificate courses are categorised into three as follows:

  • National Certificates
  • National Junior Vocational Certificates
  • Competency National Certificates
National Certificates

The courses shall be offered at Technical, Vocational and Farm Institutions for course duration of two academic years and equated as Advanced level equivalent. A learner is allowed to complete the first year of study and go to the industry or world of work for employment or job creation. She/he is required to return to the same Institution to complete the course within five years from the time of first enrolment.  The graduates qualify as crafts men and women.

The entry requirement to these courses shall be holders of Uganda Certificate of Education or Uganda Junior Technical Certificate or Community Polytechnic Certificate of Education or a degree or diploma in any a specialised field.

The course assessment has a combination of 40% continuous assessment at Institutional level (Laboratory tests, hands on practical involvement, assignments and class tests) and 60% National final examinations (hands on practical, presentations, pen and paper examinations)by Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB)

National Certificate in Agriculture (NCA) has been reviewed and rolled out.

The list of the courses being reviewed at National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) BTVET department, include;

  1. National Certificate in Building construction (NCBC)
  2. National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (NCAM)
  3. National Certificate in Electrical Installation Systems and Maintenance (NCEM)
  4. National Certificate in Welding and Fabrication (NCWF)
  5. National Certificate in Plumbing (NCPL)
  6. National Certificate in Wood Work Technology (NVWT)
  7. National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering (NCME)
  8. National Certificate in Electronics Systems (NCES)
  9. National Certificate in Painting and Decoration (NCPD)
  10. National Certificate in Shoe Making (NCSM)
  11. National Certificate in Tailoring and Fashion Design (NCFD)
  12. National Certificate in Agricultural Mechanisation (NCAG)
  13. National Certificate in Ceramics Manufacture (NCCM)
  14. National Certificate in Library and Information Management (NCLM)
  15. National Certificate in Secretarial and Records Management (NCSR)
  16. National Certificate in Catering and Events Management (NCCE)/ Hotel and Institutional Catering
  17. National Certificate in Costimetology and Beautification (NCCB)
National Junior Vocational Certificates

The courses shall be offered at Community Polytechnics, Technical, Vocational and Farm Schools for course duration of three academic years but equated as Ordinary Level equivalent. A learner is allowed to complete the first year of study and go to the industry or world of work for employment or job creation. If she/he so wishes to return to the same institution to complete the course.  The graduates qualify as artisans.

The entry requirement to these courses shall be holders of Primary Leaving Examinations Certificate.

The course assessment has a combination of 40% continuous assessment at school  level (laboratory tests, handson practical involvement, assignments and class tests) and 60% national final examinations (handson practical, presentations, written examinations) by Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB).

The curricula being developed at National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) BTVET department, including for this level, is the Community Polytechnic Certificate in Agriculture (CPCA)

Competence National Certificates

The courses shall be offered at Technical, Vocational and Farm Institutions or Community Polytechnics, Technical, Vocational and Farm Schools for course duration ranging from three months to seven years.

These courses include:

  • Fish Farming
  • Organic Fruit Farming
  • Vegetable Farming
  • Pig Rearing
  • Animal Feed Production
  • Poultry Production
  • Rabbit Production
  • Bee Production
  • Mushroom  Production
  • Farm Tree Production

The main purpose of these short courses is to skill citizens.

The entry requirement to these courses shall be those without Primary Leaving Examination Certificate but have interest, holders of Primary Leaving Examinations Certificate, Uganda Certificate of Education and any other qualifications.

A learner is allowed to offer particular modules of his/her interest and allowed go to the industry or world of work for employment or job creation on attainment of required competences. She/he shall be allowed to return to an institution to offer another set of modules of the chosen course. The graduates qualify as apprentices, with a Competence National Certificate which is not classified.

A learner may offer the outlined modules of the course in sets and upon completion, they lead to the award of a classified National Certificate.

BTVET Curriculum

The aim of Business Technical Vocational Education and Training (BTVET) department is to develop and review curricula for tertiary institutions. We develop curricula which is competence based to address the government policy of Skilling Uganda, which is aimed at shifting from the traditional academic teaching to skills development. We develop curricula with are modular in approach for the learners to undertake a specific course /programme in phases with intervals of employment. BTVET develops the National Diploma and the National Certificate courses as seen in the diagram below:

These courses/programmes are offered at Business, Technical, Vocational and Farm Institutes for the duration of two academic years.

Our Recent Products

The department has reviewed and rolled out curriculum materials for five National Diploma Programmes for Uganda Technical Colleges funded by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and they are already in use. It has also oriented 101 lecturers from Uganda Technical Colleges and UGAPRIV institutions on the reviewed National Diploma Programmes in:

  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (NDRA)
  • Water Engineering (NDWE)
  • Architecture (NDAR)
  • Information and Communication Technology (NDICT)
  • Ceramics (NDCR)

The department also reviewed three diploma programmes for Uganda Colleges of Commerce (UCCs) and other Business Institutions. These are

  • National Diploma in Accountancy (NDA)
  • National Diploma in Marketing (NDM)
  • National Diploma in Business Management (NDBM)

The department has also rolled out materials for National Certificate in Agriculture (NCA) for Farm and Vocational Institutes, and they are in use.

The department is also developing curriculum materials for eight (8) National Certificate Courses funded by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Sports.

The curriculum materials developed by BTVET department are examined by UBTEB (Uganda Business and Technical Examination Board) which is mandated to assess the performance of the learners at national level.