By | July 1, 2019

Bugema University Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Admission & Registration

Students are required to report to the university on the scheduled date so that they may register on time and begin classes on time. Usually, one week is set apart for registration. During registration, new students are given orientation to the university and its programs and facilities.

Academic Affairs

The University offers a variety of degrees. Students coming from non-English speaking countries will be required to write an English placement examination prior to enrolling for their first semester. If the student does not obtain 50% in this test, he/she will be required to attend remedial English classes for one semester.

Semester sessions

The university operates under a semester system. Each semester runs for 18 weeks subdivided in this way: one week of registration, 15 weeks of instruction, and two final weeks of examination.  The value of each course offered is expressed in terms of credit units. One credit unit represents one fifty-minute class period in each of 15 weeks, two hours of tutorial, or two to three hours of practical periods per week for 15 weeks of the semester. The student is expected to spend a minimum of two hours of outside preparation for each class period. Every academic year consists of two regular semesters: first semester from mid-August to mid-December; second semester from early January to early May.

Summer sessions

Summer sessions are optional. However, some schools or departments offer some courses during summer, on the condition that a minimum of five students is enrolled for the course. The summer session is six weeks long and the maximum class load that can be taken during the summer is 12 credit units.

Mode of Instruction

While lectures are considered the primary mode of instruction, the university recognizes that students have different learning styles and need to experience other learning environments.

Each lecture class involves at least one other type of learning environment, and credit is awarded on the basis of attendance and performance in either tutorial or practical learning experiences, or both.

Tutorial sessions, are semi-structured, in which students are invited to engage in the material of the course through other means, such as discussion, debate, group study, problem solving and projects. 

Practical lessons often involve hands-on experiences in science or computer laboratories or some other practical setting.  Other courses may be entirely practical and have no lecture component, such as industrial attachment or teaching practice.  In addition, each degree program requires independent research under the supervision of an individual faculty member as a capstone to the degree.