By | July 1, 2019

Bugema University Postgraduate Online Application

PhD Entrance Requirements

  1. Applicant must hold a relevant masters degree or equivalent
  2. Two (2) years work experience
  3. Submit a concept paper on the intended area of research
  4. Must pass a PhD qualifying exam given by the university.

Masters Program

  1. All applicants must hold a first degree or its equivalent with Second Class Lower and above.
  2. Non-Ugandan applicants must have the equivalent of the above as awarded by their home universities.

Postgraduate Diploma

  1. A student must have a First Degree or Advanced Diploma from a recognized institution.
  2. Those from Non-English speaking countries will be required to prove that they have sufficient command of English to cope with graduate studies; those scoring below average in the proficiency English that will be required to do an intensive English program to help them improve on their communication. A non-refundable fee will be charged for the English proficiency test.

All applicants for Post Graduate Diploma, Masters and PhD must submit original certified degree certificates and transcripts.


Application forms are available at all our campuses at a non- refundable fee of Ugandan shillings Sh 45,000 OR 13 USD

Online applications are also received with attached copies of certificates.