By | May 19, 2022

Bugema University School of Graduate Studies

Bugema University School of Graduate Studies – see the list of courses offered at the School of Graduate Studies…


A self-sustaining graduate school producing skilled manpower for diverse development.

Mission Statement for the Graduate School

A Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher learning providing holistic and sustainable education through imparting quality skills to graduate students and community members for excellence in service.

Goal of the School of Graduate studies

Provide access to post graduate studies to the community.


Guided and propelled by the general objective of backstopping Bugema University in undertaking efforts to make more meaningful contribution to the realization of the goals of national development through human resource development, the Bugema University-School of Graduate Studies trains its efforts and resources towards the achievement of the following specific objectives:

  1. To develop graduate students’ ability to undertake research or scholarly work in business administration, development studies, counseling psychology, education management, public health, and international business.
  2. To develop highly trained human resources imbued with universal values and professionalism, work and discipline.
  3. To offer programs responsive to the needs of the learners and of their communities through holistic education.
  4. To institutionalize a system of continuing education to sustain professional growth and promote long life learning.
  5. To establish an education network through collaborative arrangements, institutional linkages and other appropriate mechanisms to enhance the delivery of education programs and to generate awareness of and support to Bugema University-School of Graduate Studies program.
  6. To foster a culture of performance excellence, accountability and stewardship consonant with Bugema University‘s values, objectives, institutional identity and culture.


  1. Commitment
  2. Self-reliance
  3. Team spirit
  4. Professionalism and competence
  5. Transparency
  6. Equity and fairness

Programs Offered

  1. MBA-Finance & Accounting
  2. MBA-Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
  3. MBA-Human Resource
  4. MBA-Investment & Entrepreneurship
  5. MBA-Marketing
  6. MBA-Procurement and Logistics
  7. MBA – Project Planning and Management
  8. Post Graduate Diploma International Business Management
  9. Master Of Science In Counselling Psychology
  10. Post Graduate Diploma in Counseling Psychology
  11. Master Of Arts In Development
  12. Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and Management
  13. Master Of Arts In Education
  14. Master Of Arts In Curriculum And Instruction
  15. Post Graduate Diploma in Education
  16. Master Of Science In Information Technology
  17. Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
  18. Master Of Public Health (MPH) options:
  19. Health Promotion
  20. Environmental & Occupational Health
  21. Nutrition
  22. Post Graduate Diploma In Public Health
  2. Doctor of Philosophy In Development Education Program
  3. -Doctor of Philosophy In Environmental Management Program
  4. -Doctor Of Philosophy In Rural Development Program