Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Fee Structure

Fees and other financial obligations are the sole responsibility of the student and/or the sponsor or guardian.
The fees are payable in full at the beginning of each academic year or in two installments; at the beginning of each semester.
Failure to pay Fees by the end of week two of the second semester will attract a penalty of 100,000/= Tshs.
All money payable to the University shall be paid using the Control Number generated through Online Student Information Management System – (OSIM).
No student will be allowed to carry forward part of the fee into the following academic year. Fees may be revised from time to time without prior notice.
See Also:
- Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Courses Offered
- Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Entry Requirements
- Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Application Deadline
- Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences (CUHAS) Application Forms
New fee structures will apply for new intakes as well as for continuing students. Fees paid will not be refunded after the first four weeks of the academic year. Any excess/extra fees paid will be carried forward to the next year.
It is envisaged that students can take advantage of scholarships offered by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, loans from the Higher Education Student Loan Board (HESLB), and Scholarships from The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare for postgraduate and students in the Institute of Allied Health Sciences.
For more details on different fee structures and other financial information for all Courses:CLICK HERE