By | January 8, 2020

The Company is owned 51% by its parent Company, CIC Africa Group Limited incorporated in Mauritius, a wholly owned offshore shelf Company of CIC Insurance Group Limited, Kenya, and 0.7% is owned by Uganda Co-operative Savings and Credit union and 0.01% by Uganda Cooperative Alliance in a joint venture.

The Company has been in operation since January 2015. The Company’s target market is the co-operative movement across the country that needs new and different financial products.

CIC offers a wide range of insurance products to the co-operative movement in Uganda as well as the non-co-operative sector.

CIC Africa (Uganda) Limited (CIC) is a public company duly incorporated in Uganda under the Companies Act on the 22nd August 2014 (Certificate of Incorporation Number P557).

How to Apply for CIC General Insurance Uganda Limited Vacancies

Apply for CIC General Insurance Uganda Limited Vacancies

Contact Details

Uganda Head Office

AHA BuildingPlot 7 Lourdel Road NakaseroKampala, Uganda

Phone:Tel: +256 392 175 046, or 0200900100