Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) Courses Offered

Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) Courses Offered

The College is located on Plot 324 and 325 Block ‘T’ Chang’ombe in Temeke Municipality, Dar es Salaam Region, adjacent to the new National Stadium and about 5 km from the City Centre via Kilwa Road. The College consists of 52.97 acres of land. The College also owns an area of 1.17 hectares located on Plot No. 964/1 Block ‘V’ Mbagala. This strategic location of the College provides opportunities in different investment areas due to its proximity to the City centre.


Bachelor of Arts with Education

Bachelor of Education in Arts

Bachelor of Education in Science

Bachelor of Science with Education

Bachelor of Arts in Disaster Risk Management


Master of Arts with Education

Master of Science with Education

Master of Arts in Public Administration

Master of Science in Environmental Biology

Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ME-ELPS)

Master of Education in Curriculum Studies (M.EE. (CS))

Master of Science in Industrial Chemistry (M.Sc. Ind. Chem.)

Master of Arts in Development Evaluation (MADE)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Online)

Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (PGD-GC)

Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Evening)

Short Courses

Computer Applications (Introduction and Advanced)

Computer Repair and Maintenance

Computer Networks Design and Administration (Basic and Advanced)

Database design and Administration (With MySQL)

Project Management

Website Designing and Development (Basic and Advanced)

CCTV Camera Installation and Management

Scientific Writing and Referencing using Latex

.Web-based Application Development using Django Framework

Report Writing and Reference Management

Data Analysis and Visualization using R-Statistical

Data Analysis and Visualization using SPSS

Data Analysis and Visualization using Nvivo

Data Analysis and Visualization using MaxQDA

Higher Education Teaching Methodology Course

Geographical Information System (GIS)

Teaching Kiswahili as a Foreign Language

Internet-based Research Data Management Methods

French for Beginners

Chinese Course

Intensive English Course

English Proficiency Test

Contact Us

Chuo Kishiriki cha Elimu Dar es Salaam
S.L.P  2329, Dar es Salaam

Baruapepe:   principal@duce.ac.tz

Tovuti:           www.duce.ac.tz