By | January 9, 2020

The Electoral Commission was set up under Article 60 of the 1995 Constitution of The Republic of Uganda. It consists of the Chairman, Deputy Chairperson and five other members appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament and a Secretariat headed by the Secretary.

Details covering The Commissions establishment and mandate can be accessed in Articles 60 to 67 inclusive.

The functions of the EC are outlined under Article 61 of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda as follows;

(a) To ensure that regular, free and fair elections are held;

(b) To organize, conduct and supervise elections and referenda in accordance with the Constitution;

(c) To demarcate constituencies in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution;

(d) To ascertain, publish and declare in writing under its seal the results of the elections and referenda;

(e) To compile, maintain, revise and update the voters’ register;

(f) To hear and determine election complaints arising before and during polling;

(g) To formulate and implement voter educational programmes relating to elections; and

(h) To perform such other functions as may be prescribed by Parliament by law;

The Electoral Commission, which was established under Article 60 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and mandated to conduct public elections and referenda, invites applications from suitably qualified staff with proven integrity and initiative, results oriented, able to lead teams, excellent client care and with a good disciplinary record to fill the following vacant positions within its establishment:

  1. Senior Election Officer/Regional Election Officer (1)
  2. Election Officer/District Registrar (6)
  3. Election Officer/Monitoring and Evaluation (1)
  4. Election Officer/Policy Analyst (1)
  5. Senior Assistant Election Officer/Cashier (1)
  6. Senior Assistant Election Officer/Transport (1)
  7. Senior Assistant Election Officer/Secretary (4)
  8. Election Assistant/Secretary (1)

Detailed job adverts are hereto attached for your information.

How to Apply for Electoral Commission of Uganda Vacancies

Apply for Electoral Commission of Uganda Vacancies

Contact Details

Electoral Commission.,
Plot 55 Jinja Road ,
Kampala ,Uganda.
P.O.Box 22678,Kampala, Uganda
E-mail – Inquiries:
Telephone: 0414-337500/0312-262208/9/10/11
Fax: 0414-337595/0312-262207
Toll Free Line: 0800200071