By | January 7, 2020

Ilota is a licensed Mineral mining and selling company based in Democratic Republic of Congo and with operational offices in Uganda. We specialize in buying and selling of gold, gold refinery and smelting, wolfram,tantalite,copper and diamonds.

How we do:
With a vast number of mines located in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we use open pit and underground operations for mining.Ilota is highly committed to safety, employee wellbeing and protection of the environment.

Ilota new Website, We have comeup with a new website for Ilota Mining, check out for news updates here

How to Apply for Gold Refinery Uganda (ILOTA MINING) Vacancy

Apply for Gold Refinery Uganda (ILOTA MINING) Vacancy

Contact Details

Get in Touch:
Our team is always happy to speak to clients,share holders and industrial associates. Please feel free to email or call us today.

Address: Ilota Mining Group plot 23,Kiwafu Ggaba Road, Box 36493 Kampala Uganda
Mobile: +256704297677 / +256787531616