How Long Does It Take To Get A Certificate Of Good Conduct In Uganda
What is A Certificate Of Good Conduct?
A Certificate of Good Conduct has the same effect as the Certificate of Relief. In addition, the Certificate of Good Conduct may restore your right to seek public office. The certificate may remove all legal bars or disabilities or remove only specific bars or disabilities.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Certificate Of Good Conduct In Uganda?
The average time is approximately 14 working days from the day that the complete application is received at the Criminal Record Centre until the Clearance Certificate is issued.
How can I get my certificate of good conduct faster?
Login to ecitizen – DCI Portal;
Apply for a Police Clearance Certificate.
Print 2 copies of the invoice and one copy of Form C24 (Form for fingerprints) and present to the DCI offices or your nearest Huduma Centre for fingerprint processing.
Check ecitizen portal for the certificate in 2-4 weeks.
How much is the certificate of good conduct in Uganda?
You can pay in cash (this will require you to print out a bank slip), using a debit/credit card, mobile money, and Cheque. Pay UGX76,000 for the certificate of good conduct and UGX23,000 for the police clearance. If you want to acquire both certificates then you will need to pay UGX 99,000.
How long is a certificate of good conduct valid in Uganda?
Procedure[edit] A certificate of good conduct expires after 6 months from the date of issue. Any applicant who wishes to renew has to undergo the same procedures as applying for a new one.
How do I know if my good conduct is ready?
Go to the eCitizen portal and log in.
Under Directorate of Criminal Investigation, click on “Get Service“.
To view the downloadable file, click on the reference number (this begins with PCC).
Where can I get a certificate of good conduct In Uganda?
Address: Plot 12 Mabua Rd, Kampala, Uganda
Phone: +256 702 754511