How Much It Cost To Construct A House In Uganda

How Much It Cost To Construct A House In Uganda

The costs of building a house budget in Uganda can be categorized by how big the house you want to construct. Our coverage in this article covers budgeted costs of a one bedroom house , budgeted costs of a two bedroom house , budgeted costs of a three bedroom house and budgeted costs of a four bedroom house .

Building materials prices have been inflating from the effects of the covid pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Our quantity bill of costs to build a house contains number of bricks needed, number of elf trucks of sand, concrete aggregate and hardcore stones for the foundation, litres of paint needed, number of tiles needed, number of iron roof sheets needed, windows and doors and a 10% of costs for the labour needed to execute the building by contracting professionals.

Constructing a house or buying a house in Uganda is expected to be expensive but there are loop holes that can be used to curb down the funds to be invested. Knowing how much you need to build a 2 bedroom house and budget your capital is a best practice in the real estate world to both.

How much is the cost of constructing or building a 1 bedroom house in Uganda?

House construction and how much material estimates with little money is a phase that all investors or interested home owners should consider before the venture. Any real estate business needs construction materials first on the site to give a green light to the construction phases.

We have provided a full budget for Building a one bedroom house in Uganda 2022. This house plan has a living room, one bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen. This budget considers most of the price changes that have occurred since 2020 corona virus pandemic.

A breakdown of estimated materials for a one bedroom house construction as below.

  • No of bricks 102654 costing 25663500
  • Bags of cement 64 costing 2880000
  • No of iron sheets 48 costing 2640000
  • Number of timber trusses 96 costing 768000
  • Kilos of roof nails 25 kgs costing 135000
  • Timber nails 25 kgs costing 135000
  • Trucks of sand 6 trips costing 900000
  • Trucks of aggregate concrete 3 trips costing 450000
  • Trucks of hardcore stones 3 trips costing 300000
  • Litres paint 80 litres costing 1180000
  • Number of tiles 571 tiles costing 855600
  • Tile adhesive 15 bags costing 450000
  • Iron bars 12 beam bars costing 600000
  • Doors and windows 5 windows and 4 doors costing 2600000
  • Labour complete building costs 3916710

The average estimated costs of building a one bedroom house is considered to be 43683810 million shillings. Finding additional costs is possible but those costs may not alter this estimated budget by more or less than 10%.

How much is the cost of constructing or building a 2 bedroom house in Uganda?

House construction and how much material estimates with little money is a phase that all investors or interested home owners should consider before the venture. Any real estate business needs construction materials first on the site to give a green light to the construction phases.

We have provided a full budget for Building a double bedroom house in Uganda 2022. This house plan has a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom in between and a kitchen. This budget considers most of the price changes that have occurred since 2020 corona virus pandemic.

A breakdown of estimated materials for a two bedroom house construction as below.

  • No of bricks 102653 costing 2566325
  • Bags of cement 80 costing 3600000
  • No of iron sheets 60 costing 3300000
  • Number of timber trusses 120 costing 960000
  • Kilos of roof nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Timber nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Trucks of sand 7 trips costing 1050000
  • Trucks of aggregate concrete 3 trips costing 450000
  • Trucks of hardcore stones 3 trips costing 300000
  • Litres paint 100 litres costing 1475000
  • Number of tiles 713 tiles costing 1069500
  • Tile adhesive 15 bags costing 450000
  • Iron bars 15 beam bars costing 750000
  • Doors and windows 6 windows and 5 doors costing 3200000
  • Labour complete building costs 2001083

The average estimated costs of building a 2 bedroom or double bedroom house is considered to be 48,272,150 million shillings. Finding additional costs is possible but those costs may not alter this estimated budget by more or less than 10%.

How much is the cost of constructing or building a 3 bedroom house in Uganda?

House construction and how much material estimates with little money is a phase that all investors or interested home owners should consider before the venture. Any real estate business needs construction materials first on the site to give a green light to the construction phases.

We have provided a full budget for Building a three bedroom house in Uganda 2022. This house plan has a living room with dinning, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and a kitchen. This budget considers most of the price changes that have occurred since 2020 corona virus pandemic.

A breakdown of estimated materials for a three bedroom house construction as below.

  • No of bricks 123184 costing 30796000
  • Bags of cement 95 costing 4275000
  • No of iron sheets 69 costing 3795000
  • Number of timber trusses 144 costing 1152000
  • Kilos of roof nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Timber nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Trucks of sand 8 trips costing 1200000
  • Trucks of aggregate concrete 3 trips costing 450000
  • Trucks of hardcore stones 3 trips costing 300000
  • Litres paint 150 litres costing 2065000
  • Number of tiles 769 tiles costing 1153500
  • Tile adhesive 16 bags costing 480000
  • Iron bars 17 beam bars costing 850000
  • Doors and windows 7 windows and 6 doors costing 3800000
  • Labour complete building costs 5115650

The average estimated costs of building a 3 bedroom house is considered to be 56272150 million shillings. Finding additional costs is possible but those costs may not alter this estimated budget by more or less than 10%.

How much is the cost of constructing or building a 4 bedroom house in Uganda?

We have provided a full budget for Building a four bedroom house in Uganda 2022. This house plan has a living room with dinning, 4 bedrooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. This budget considers most of the price changes that have occurred since 2020 corona virus pandemic.

A breakdown of estimated materials for a four bedroom house construction as below.

  • No of bricks 143715costing 35928750
  • Bags of cement 112 costing 5040000
  • No of iron sheets 84 costing 4620000
  • Number of timber trusses 168 costing 1344000
  • Kilos of roof nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Timber nails 50 kgs costing 270000
  • Trucks of sand 10 trips costing 1500000
  • Trucks of aggregate concrete 4 trips costing 600000
  • Trucks of hardcore stones 4 trips costing 800000
  • Litres paint 160 litres costing 2360000
  • Number of tiles 810 tiles costing 1215000
  • Tile adhesive 16 bags costing 480000
  • Iron bars 21 beam bars costing 1050000
  • Doors and windows 8 windows and 7 doors costing 4400000
  • Labour complete labour costs 5987775

The average estimated costs of building a 4 bedroom house is considered to be 65865525 million shillings. Finding additional costs is possible but those costs may not alter this estimated budget by more or less than 10%.

Estimated Budget Materials For A 2 Bedroom House Construction

We bring you the quantities of materials for a 2 bedroom house construction. finding the prices in different areas where you plan to construct the home. These quantities include :

  1. find how to calculate the number of bricks of a 2 bedroom house how to calculate bricks for construction of a 2 bedroom-house
  2. 32 corrugated iron sheets are estimated for roofing and 120 lumber timber for the roof truss. How many iron sheets for a two bedroom house

How much does it cost to build a 2 bedroom house in Uganda?

With the inflation of construction materials, totaling up a budget would be an act of misleading the public. On my official duty I am taking this opportunity to bring different sectors on the house construction phases because the materials don’t change but only the budgets change. I advise an interested investor or aspiring home owner to take note and add up the covered important phases for construction.

How much labor does it cost to build a 2 bedroom house in Uganda?

On a planned contracted budget the labor should be cheaper other than phase labor which is more costly. The labor of a 2 bedroom house would cost you 800000 UGX to the ring beam and roofing labor would cost 300000 plus finishing and closing the house would cost 300000. Total approximate budget could be 1.4million UGX. Also find out how to do a due diligence for commercial real estate acquisition

How many irony sheets are needed to build a 2 bedroom house in Uganda?

Not more than 30 iron sheets. A breakdown should be every bedroom will not consume more than 7 sheets leaving the 16 for living room, dining and shade, they are normally located near each other and they can hold up together.

How much cement does it need to build a 2 bedroom house in Uganda?

Not more than 30 bags of cement.

A breakdown on use of the 30 bags on your property construction. Let’s take 9 bags for the slab construction call it the foundation of the house. Let’s lay the black polythene and start the construction to the beam, it consumes 8 bags of cement which is less than the slab because the bricks consume more space compared to the slab.

Now the beam will consume 2 bags and the one bag will be for the 2 courses/lines the next day to finish the phase. We are now done with construction and now to plastering and flooring. Plastering will consume 6 bags inside and outside the house.

Then finalize with with the 3 bags of cement to floor the house. I hope you have accomplished the cement budget after this article section.

How much does it cost to build a storeyed house in Uganda?

What is a storeyed house? My answer in short: it is a house of more than one level from the ground. The cost of building a storeyed house is a bit more costly compared to one level houses. The beam and the lower levels are always built doubling the material of a one level house. So the cost of building a storeyed house is much more like doubling the budget of one level house.