How Much It Cost To Go Nursing School In Uganda

How Much It Cost To Go Nursing School In Uganda

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.

How Much It Cost To Go Nursing School In Uganda


Certificate Level200,000
Diploma Level230,000
NSIN Registration  20,000

Retaking failed paper(s)

• Certificate………….. 50,000 ugx per paper

• Diploma…………….  50,000 ugx per paper

NOTE: Late submission of Registration Information attracts a 50% Sur-Charge of total registration fees.

Advance Diploma in Palliative Care Nursing (ADPCN)35,00015,000
Diploma in Peadiatrics and Child Health Nursing (DPCHN)35,00015,000
Diploma in Public Health Nursing (DPHN)35,00015,000
Diploma In Mental Health Nursing (DMHN)30,00015,000
Diploma In Mental Health Nursing Extensor (DMHNE)30,00015,000
Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing (DCN)30,00015,000
Diploma in Comprehensive Nursing Extensor (DCNE)30,00015,000
Diploma in Nursing (DN)20,00015,000
Diploma in Nursing Extensor (DNE)20,00015,000
Diploma in Midwifery (DM)30,00015,000
Diploma in Midwifery Extensor (DME)30,00015,000
Diploma in Midwifery E-Learner(DMEL)35,00015,000
Certificate in Mental Health Nursing (CMHN)30,000 
Certificate in Comprehensive Nursing (CCN)40,000 
Certificate in Nursing (CN)20,000 
Certificate in Midwifery (CM)25,000

See Also:

Full List Of Government Aided Nursing Schools In Uganda

List Of Veterinary Nursing Schools In Uganda

Full List Of Best Performing Government Nursing Schools in Uganda

Top Best Performing Private Nursing Schools in Uganda

How long is degree in Nursing in Uganda?

Direct entrants shall cover four years of training.

Diploma Entry: Students should hold a diploma in Nursing Sciences from a recognised Health Training Institution.

How can I study Nursing in Uganda?

The minimum requirements for admission to any Undergraduate degree programme are: Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) or its equivalent with at least 5 passes. Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or its equivalent with at least 2 principal passes. Diploma holders must have passed with at least a credit.

How long does a certificate in nursing take in Uganda?

2 ½ years

Courses licensed

CourseDurationAdmission time
Diploma Nursing/Midwifery (Direct)3 yearsNovember
Diploma Nursing/Midwifery (up-grading)1 ½ yearsMay
Certificate in Nursing or Midwifery2 ½ yearsMay/November