How To Grow Irish Potatoes In Uganda

What Is Irish Potatoes?

Irish Potatoes were a major crop in Ireland and were brought to New England by the Irish immigrants in the beginning of the 18th century. The name “Irish potatoes” was often used in reference to white potatoes because the Irish brought them here.

How To Grow Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

Irish Potato should be planted early in the season at the onset of rains for farmers who follow rain cycles. The crop may be planted on a flat field and afterwards earthen and transferred to ridge garden or may be planted on ridges directly, however the best way of planting would be using 10cm deep furrow.

How Long Do Irish Potatoes Take To Grow In Uganda?

Small new potatoes can be ready as early as ten weeks. However, full sized potatoes take about 80-100 days to reach maturity. Since your potatoes are grown for storage, leave them in the ground until cool weather arrives.

How Do I Plant Irish Potato In Uganda?

Store the cut pieces in a well-ventilated spot in a warm, humid location so that they can heal over and be protected from rotting. In your garden, use a hoe to open a trench about 3 inches (8 cm.) deep, plant the potatoes 10 to 12 inches (25-31 cm.) apart and cover with 3 inches (8 cm.)

How Many Bags Of Irish Potatoes Can An Acre Produce In Uganda?

These farmers may have knowingly or unknowingly followed some of these principles and best practices of Irish potato production. Most farmers report yields of 30 to 100 bags per acre. It is rare to hear of farmers achieving of over 100 bags.

How Long Do Irish Potatoes Take To Germinate In Uganda?

Let them sprout at a temperature of 15ºC – 20ºC for 10 – 15 days. Select the healthy sprouted potatoes for planting and dispose of the rotten tubers. According to Kiptala it is important to choose land with well-drained sandy loamy soils.

Which Fertilizer Is Best For Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

Because potatoes need adequate fertilizer early in the season, apply most of the fertilizer just before planting. Use 2 to 3 pounds of complete fertilizer such as 10- 20-10 for each 30 feet of row in bands 2 inches to each side and 1 inch below the seed piece. Do not allow the fertilizer to touch the seed piece.

What Is The Price Of Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

The approximate price range for Uganda Potatoes is between UGX 1697.31 and UGX 1272.98 per kilogram or between UGX 771.50 and UGX 578.63 per pound(lb). The price in Uganda Shilling is UGX 1586.03 per kg.

What Month Do You Plant Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

So you must time your planting between hard freezes and hot temperatures. Depending on local weather, most gardeners plant in March, April or May, and expect a harvest about four months later, starting to dig new potatoes about two to three weeks after plants flower.

When Should I Fertilize My Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

General recommendations instruct gardeners to apply a pre-plant and then fertilize monthly starting two weeks after planting. However, many extension professionals recommend applying fertilizer to the soil before planting and waiting on other applications until after tuber formation.

How Do You Prepare Soil For Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

Potatoes require well-drained soil. (They will rot under prolonged cold, wet conditions.) If your soil is poorly drained or a heavy clay, consider using raised beds. Adding organic matter (compost, cover crops, well-rotted manure or leaves) is a good way to improve soil before growing potatoes.

How Profitable Is Irish Potato Farming In Uganda?

Irish potatoes take an average of 70 to 120 days to mature depending on variety. With an acre in Uganda producing an average of 7,700kg and with a price of 27per kilo according to the National Potato Council, farmers can earn UGX 207,900 in three months compared to UGX 40,000 for maize in six months.

Which Soil Is Best For Irish Potatoes In Uganda?

Potatoes grow best in well-drained, sandy soil. A poorly drained soil is more likely to produce diseased tubers. Have your soil tested. The ideal soil pH level for potatoes is somewhat acidic, between 6 and 6.5, but they will tolerate soil with pH as low as 5.