How To Register An Orphanage In Uganda

What Is An Orphanage?

An orphanage is a residential institution, or group home, devoted to the care of orphans and other children who were separated from their biological families.

How To Register An Orphanage In Uganda?

  1. The organization should write a letter to or visit the Secretary Orphanage Board specifying the area of their operation. This is what will be printed on the permit once granted.
    • Note :All Lawyers, consultants are advised to come with at least one of the officials of the organization being represented. The Secretariat will not welcome documents without their officials
  2. The application form A can be downloaded from the ministry of interior affairs (MIA) website portal,please read through the instruction carefully and fill the application form accurately Application
  3. Fill Form A which should be duly completed and signed by at least two promoters. The names of the promoters should be printed in front of their signatures on the form. Promoters are the owners of the organization
  4. The Organization should bring all its papers/application on a Spring Manila File Cover.
  5. On the cover of file, please print in Capital Letters the names of the organization, the address/Box number and telephone contacts in case you are required to appear before the NGO Board.
  6. Every organization should reserve its name with the Registrar General’s Office at the Ministry of Justice. This is done to make sure that no other organization will use your names or the name of the organization is free to be used by you. In case of subsequent change of names, a reservation must be done again
  7. The Orphanage Board sits once every month, to verify and process all the applications from varies Orphanage applicants,

Issuance Of Certificate Of Registration An Orphanage In Uganda

  1. If the Orphanage application has complied with the requirements for registration, the Bureau shall issue a certificate of registration to the organization.
  2. The certificate of registration shall be in Form B prescribed in the schedule and shall indicate the name, registration number and the date of registration of the organization.
  3. Collection of Permits/Incorporation Certificates is by any official of the organization after a month of lodging its papers. Any other parties sent for that purpose should have authority letters from the organization.


  • Every Constitution must in addition to other requirements have a dissolution clause.
  • When an organization closes down (even temporarily) the NGO Board should be informed.

Where Does The Official Process Of Starting An Orphanage Begin?

  1. Set a location.
  2. Get letters of support.
  3. Get your Society registered.
  4. Get your orphanage registered.
  5. Get FCRA Registration.
  6. Register with the Income Tax Department.
  7. Get an accountant.
  8. Get a lawyer.

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Orphanage In Uganda?

Under the regulations – the Non-Governmental Organizations Regulations (2017) (“NGO Registration Regulations”) – the registration application for a local NGO requires a fee of 100,000 Ugandan Shillings,while the application of a foreign company requires a fee of 520,000 Ugandan shillings.

Can I Run An Orphanage Without Registration?

In principle, an NGO does not have to register itself to perform charitable, welfare or developmental activities. However, there are some specific types of activities that can only be carried out if the NGO is registered under the country’s specific acts or laws governing NGOs (particularly related to fund-raising).

Where Does The Official Process Of Starting An Orphanage Begin?

Get your Society registered.

Register the organization as a Society (this is done through your local Registrar of Societies), if you need help finding them ask at your local. For this you will need a Board of Directors, By-Laws and a few other things.

What Do Orphans Need The Most?

Food: Food and clean water are the most basic need for all children.

How Much Does It Cost To Register An Orphanage In Uganda?

The registration fee is Ugx 706796.80, along with a Ugx 1590292.80 program fee for two weeks and Ugx 2067380.64 for four. Volunteer in Uganda orphanage fees cover accommodations and meals, support inside the country, orientation and full safety briefing, and project placement and onsite supervision.

Can I Join In Orphanage?

Why Choose an Orphanage, you can join any Boarding School. If you are eager to join an Orphanage there are possibilities of it. There are so many free orphanage where u don’t have to pay anything at all. There are always some Trust’s & NGO’s associated with them, they can make an arrangement for your well-being.

How Do Orphanages Make Money?

The orphanage profits in many ways from the presence of these “paper orphans”. Some orphanages encourage volunteers to come and spend time with the children, profiting through the fees they charge and lower care costs due to the free labour that volunteers provide.

What Can Be Given In Orphanage?

  • Financial Donations. First, the most simplistic way to donate to a charity is with a monetary donation.
  • Clothing. Clothes donations are the most popular type of charitable contribution.
  • Shoes and Bags.
  • Kitchenware.
  • Books.
  • Toys and Games.
  • Art.
  • Linens.

What Activities Can Be Done In Orphanage?

Organizing games, drawing, singing, dancing, and other creative education and extracurricular activities. Taking kids on Playgrounds. Helping kids to do homework, monitor academic progress, and make sure kids complete their homework. Sanitation (helping kids in brushing teeth, shower, and personal hygiene).

What Should I Distribute In An Orphanage?

  • Donate Clothes and Toys.
  • Sponsor Food and Healthcare.
  • Support education.
  • Provide Emotional Support.

How Many Orphanages Are There In Uganda?

As a result of the economic and social struggles in Uganda, a number of unregulated orphanages have emerged, taking advantage of the situation. With over 300 unregulated orphanages, these systems have become an exploitative method to gain foreign donations.

How Long Can You Live In An Orphanage?

Most of the older children—many with special needs—reside in the orphanages, grouped with similar-aged boys and girls, until they are 17 or 18 years old. There is not a standard upper age limit of children under the care of an orphanage.

What Do Volunteers Do In Orphanages?

Bathing and dressing the children. Feeding the children including the disabled children and babies. Nursing and caring for the children as needed. Creating and implementing fun, exercise activities for all the children helping them develop physical skills.

Can You Adopt From An Orphanage?

Laws Governing Adoption in Uganda

However, an adoption can be made from an orphanage under the Guardians and Wards Act,subject to court’s approval. In this case, the adoptive couple are guardians and not parents of the adopted child.