Information and Computer Studies Forma Four Necta Format for Certificate of Secondary Education Examination(CSEE)

This revised format replaces that of 2001. The remarkable features of this revised format include dropping out all topics allocated for forms three and four and one from form two and introducing new topics. The mode of assessment has also changed from content-based to competence-based. There are also changes in the type of questions in section A and a question of true and false type has been added in Paper 1.
By the end of the four years course, the candidates should be able to:
2.1 demonstrate skills of data processing and interpretation of information.
2.2 appreciate the role of information to technology in socio-economic and cultural development of the society.
2.3 develop awareness of the place of information technology in the society.
2.4 apply information technology knowledge and skills in daily life.
2.5 develop practical skills in the use of computers.
2.6 outline types of networks and security issues in a networked environment.
The examination will assess the candidates’ ability to:
3.1 interpret, organize and present information in a variety of forms.
3.2 identify the parts of computer and their uses.
3.3 use information and communication technology in data and information processing.
3.4 create relevant documents and publications using application software packages.
3.5 apply principles, knowledge and skills of information technology in daily life.
3.6 demonstrate willingness to keep abreast with current developments and issues related to everyday use of computer.
There will be two (2) papers for this subject. Paper 1 which will be a theory paper and paper 2 which will be a practical paper. The duration for each paper will be 3 hours.
4.1 PAPER 1
This will be a theory paper and will consist of 12 questions in sections A, B and C.
This section will consist of 3 questions which will be:
- Multiple-choice question with 10 sub-items
- Matching items question with 10 sub-items
- True and False question – with 10 sub-items
This makes the total of items in this section to be 30. All the items in this section will carry 1 mark, totalling to 30 marks. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section.
This section will consist of six (6) short answer questions. Each question will have 3 – 5 sub-items, making a total of 25 sub-items. Candidates will be required to answer all the questions in this section. This section will carry a total of 50 marks.
This section will consist of three (3) long questions. Candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions. Each question will carry 10 marks.
This will be a practical paper. The paper will consist of three (3) questions. Candidates will be required to answer two (2) questions. Each question will carry 25 marks. The total marks for this paper will be 50.
There will be no 24 hours advanced instructions for this paper.
Candidates will submit soft copies of their work to NECTA alongside their written practical work.
- Weighting per paper: Paper 1 – 100 marks
Paper 2 – 50 marks
- Information
- The computer
- Computer software
- Computer handling
- Computer evolution
- Word processing
- Spreadsheet
- Computer networks and communications
- Internet
- Impact of ICT in the society
- Web development
- Presentation
- Database as information systems
- Desktop publishing
- Multimedia
- Management of database information systems