By | June 14, 2023

Institute of Tax Administration (ITA) Courses Offered

The short courses department is responsible for administering non-degree short-term programs.  These programs are tailor-made to suit specific performance needs and continuing professional development of the staff of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Zanzibar Revenue Board (ZRB) and other key stakeholders involved in taxation and customs administration. The courses are delivered by well-qualified and experienced trainers in customs and tax administration.

The Institute collaborates with other Institutions involved in taxation and customs training as well as development partners such as JICA, NTC of Japan, IBFD of Netherlands, EAC and WCO to deliver short-term programs. Short courses of the Institute can be categorized into examinable and non-examinable courses.

Courses for TRA staffs

1. Customs Basic Course (CBC) 

This is an examinable course designed to equip fresh employed and re-categorized staff in Customs and Excise Department with necessary knowledge skills and behavioral development to become Customs Officers. This program is a blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job practical experience and is instructed by well-seasoned and experienced staff in customs.

2. Taxation Basic Course (TBC)

This is an examinable course designed to equip fresh employed and re-categorized staff in TRA Revenue departments, with necessary knowledge skills and behavioral development to become Tax Officers. The program is a blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job practical experience and is instructed by well-seasoned and experienced staff in taxation.

3. Other short courses

These courses are designed to address day-to-day operations needs and emerging issues specific for certain operations of customs and taxation administration. The programs are open for a wide range of cadres depending on the nature of the course.

Courses for other stakeholders

Apart from tailor-made courses specific for TRA, the Institute develops and delivers courses to address emerging issues such as taxation of specialized sectors to other stakeholders depending on their specific needs.

Certificate and ordinary diploma studies

1. Ordinary Diploma in Customs and Tax Management (DCTM)

Program Overview

DCTM is a two years full-time program comprising of four semesters. This program is designed for middle career in customs and tax administration. The program blends classroom instruction and real world practical experience through engagement of trainers who have practical experience in customs and tax administration.

Entry Qualifications  

Successfully completion of Basic Technician Certificate in Customs and Tax Management, business or law related subjects  from a recognized academic institution, OR successfully completion of A-Level in business related or natural science subjects with at least one principal pass. Applicants must have four passes at O-level, two of which must be Mathematics and English.

Program Structure

Year 1 (NTA Level 5)

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional Hours*Credits
 1 GST 05101Basic Communication  SkillsFundamental58
GST 05102Elements of Business LawFundamental58
GST 05103Basic Business MathematicsFundamental69
CST 05104Introduction to CustomsCore812
TST 05105Book-keeping and AccountsCore710
GST 05106Introduction to EconomicsFundamental58
CST 05207Basic Freight LogisticsCore710
GST 05208Basic Data ProcessingFundamental69
CST 05209Trade Facilitation in CustomsCore710
TST 05210Introduction to Income TaxesCore711
TST 05211Introduction to VAT and other indirect LawsCore711
TST 05212Principles of Accounting for Specialise Entities and ItemsCore710
GST 05213Elements of Development StudiesFundamental58
Total Credits for NTA 579124

Year 2 (NTA 6)

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional Hours*Credits
1TST 06101Principles of Income TaxCore710
GST 06102Principles of AuditingFundamentals57
GST 06103Principles of ManagementFundamentals57
CST 06104Principles of Tariff ClassificationCore710
CST 06105Customs Enforcement and ManagementCore69
GST 06106Fundamentals of Information SystemsFundamentals57
TST 06107Principles of Tax Administration and EthicsCore69
GST 06108InternshipCore34
2TST 06209Fundamentals of Tax AccountingCore710
TST 06210Fundamentals of Tax AuditCore69
GST 06211Fundamentals of EntrepreneurshipFundamentals57
CST  06212Principles of Customs Valuation and Rules of OriginCore69
GST  06213Fundamentals of Business mathematics and StatisticsFundamentals58
TST 06214Introduction to Local Government TaxationCore57
CST 06215Freight  Logistics ManagementCore57
Total Credits for NTA 683120

 *Hours used to conduct all the activities required for a trainer and a student to complete a module.

2. Basic Certificate in Customs and Tax Management (CCTM)

Program Overview

This is a one year full-time program. The program is competence-based and focuses on imparting the relevant and adequate knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to perform mid-career duties in customs and tax administrations. The program is also intended to prepare graduates for further academic progression in the same and related disciplines.

Entry Qualifications

Minimum entry requirements is four (4) passes in Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (O-Level) in business related subjects or NVA level 3 or one principal pass at A-Level in business related or natural science subjects. Applicants must have passed Mathematics and English at O-Level.

 Program Structure


SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional Hours*Credits
TST 04101Introduction to TaxationCore711
GST 04102Elements of Data ProcessingFundamental58
GST 04103Basic Communication skillsFundamental58
GST 04104Elements of  Business MathematicsFundamental58
CST 04105Elements of Customs Law and AdministrationCore812
GST 04106Elements of CommerceFundamental58
GST 04107Elements of Business LawFundamental58
CST 04208Elements of Freight LogisticsCore812
GST 04209Elements of Office ManagementCore69
TST 04210Book KeepingCore59
CST 04211Elements of Customs EnforcementCore811
TST 04212Elements of Tax Administration and EthicsCore811
GST 04213Basic Life SkillsCore58
Total Credits for NTA 479123

*Hours used to conduct all the activities required for a trainer and a student to complete a module.

3. East African Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate (CFFPC)

Program Overview

The EACCFFPC program has been designed as a joint initiative of the East African Revenue Authorities (EARA) and Federation of East African Freight Forwarders (FEAFA). This program has been approved as a mandatory qualification for practicing as customs agent. The program has been adopted for all the five countries who are members of the East African Community.

This program is offered in full-time and part-time mode. Full-time mode takes four months while part-time mode takes six months.

Entry Qualifications

Two (2) passes at “O” Level or Holder of Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ACSEE) and above.

Program Structure

Full Time 

Semester Code Course NameContact Hours per weekUnits
   1FFCU 101&102Customs laws and procedures44
FFCU 103Customs Tariff Classification44
FFCU 104WTO Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin44
FFFF 201Port Clearance44
FFFF 202Freight Forwarding Operations44
FFBM 300Basic management skills44
FFCU 105Application of Automated Customs Systems4
Total Units for CFFPC2824

Part Time 

SemesterCodeCourse NameContact Hours per weekUnits
1FFCU 101&102Customs laws and procedures44
FFCU 103Customs Tariff Classification44
FFCU 104WTO Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin44
2FFFF 201Port Clearance44
FFFF 202Freight Forwarding Operations44
FFBM 300Basic management skills44
FFCU 105Application of Automated Customs Systems4
Total Units for CFFPC2824

Postgraduate Studies

The postgraduate programs are administered by the department of postgraduate studies. Currently there are four programs which are administered by this department namely:

  1. Collaborative Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration (MA.RLA)

Program overview

The program is hosted at ITA and offered as a University of Dar es Salaam Degree program which is run in collaboration between the Institute of Tax Administration, University of Dar es Salaam Faculty of Law, and Germany’s Muenster University Faculty of Law. This program is offered as full-time (one year) and part-time (two years). 

Entry Qualification

Minimum entry requirements is a Second class Bachelor Degree in taxation, accounting, economics, law or any business related equivalent qualification

Program Structure 

Compulsory Courses
LW 701Tax Policy and TheoryLW 701Tax Policy and Theory
PS 601Research MethodsPS 601Research Methods
LW 702Income Tax LawLW 706 Indirect Taxes
MRA 600Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal AnalysisLW 712 Private International Trade &Finance Law
Elective Courses
LW 707 Capital Gains and Taxes on PropertyLW 702Income Tax Law
LW 706 Indirect TaxesMRA 600Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal Analysis
LW 708Tax Crimes : Investigations & ProsecutionsLW 708 Tax Crimes : Investigations & Prosecution
Compulsory Courses
LW 704 Laws on Tax AdministrationMRA 601 Customs Management : Theory & Practice
LW 705 International TaxationLW 703 Taxes on International Trade
LW 719 Graduate EssayLW 719 Graduate Essay
Elective Courses
MRA 602 Tax Compliance and Risk ManagementMRA 602 Tax Compliance and Risk Management
LW 710 Advanced TaxationLW 713 Public International Trade Law
LW 709 Local Government TaxationLW 704Laws on Tax Administration
  1. Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation (PGDT)


The objective of this program is to enable trainees to administer all types of taxes i.e. direct, indirect and trade taxes as well. The program is offered in two modes; Regular and Executive. The program duration for both modes is 12 months.

Entry Qualifications

Minimum entry requirements is a bachelor degree or equivalent qualification in economics, law, business administration, finance, engineering, accounting from a recognized higher learning Institution.

Programme Structure

Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation (PGDT) – Taxation Major

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional Hours*Credits
1CSP 09101Principles of goods classificationCore11011
CSP 09102Principles of  Valuation and Rules of OriginCore10010
TSP 09101Income Taxation ICore11011
TSP 09102Indirect TaxationCore10010
GSP 09101Economics and Public FinanceCore909
Sub Total 51
Electives (only one)
GSP 09102IT for ManagersFundamental707
GSP 09103Project ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09104Strategic ManagementFundamental707
TSP 09103Principles of AccountingFundamental707
TSP 09104Financial ReportingFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 1 58
2TSP 09205Income Taxation  IICore9010
TSP 09206Compliance and Enforcement in Tax and CustomsCore12011
TSP 09207Advanced Tax AccountingCore10010
TSP 09208International TaxationCore909
GSP 09205Research MethodologyCore1009
GSP 09206Field PracticumCore903
GSP 09207Research ProjectCore11011
Sub Total63
Electives (only one)
GSP 09208Risk ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09209Criminal Procedure LawFundamental707
TSP 09209Cost and Management  AccountingFundamental707
GSP 09210Quantitative MethodsFundamental707
TSP 09210Tax AuditFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 270
Grand Total128 

The student shall select optional courses based on his/her academic background. The optional courses selected will have to be approved by the Deputy Rector Academics, Research and Consultancy.

Post Graduate Diploma in Taxation (PGDT) – Customs Major

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional
1CSP 09101Principles of goods classificationCore11011
CSP 09102Principles of  Valuation and Rules of OriginCore10010
TSP 09101Income Taxation ICore11011
TSP 09102Indirect TaxationCore10010
GSP 09101Economics and Public FinanceFundamental909
Sub Total  51
Electives (only one)
GSP 09102IT for ManagersFundamental707
GSP 09103Project ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09104Strategic ManagementFundamental707
TSP 09103Principles of AccountingFundamental707
TSP 09104Financial ReportingFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives 7
Total Credit for semester 1 58
2CSP 09203Custom Rules in customs clearance proceduresCore10010
CSP 09204Principles of International Trade laws and conventionsCore909
CSP 09205International Transport and LogisticsCore10010
TSP 09206Compliance and Enforcement in Tax and CustomsCore11011
GSP 09205Research MethodologyCore909
GSP 09206Field PracticumCore903
GSP 09207Research ProjectCore11011
Sub Total 63
Electives (only one)
GSP 09208Risk ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09209Criminal Procedure LawFundamental707
TSP 09209Cost and Management  AccountingFundamental707
GSP 09210Quantitative MethodsFundamental707
TSP 09210Tax AuditFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 2 70
Grand Total128

NB: The student shall select optional courses based on his/her academic background. The optional courses selected will have to be approved by the Deputy Rector Academic, Research and Consultancy.


OVERVIEW Article Count:  6


The Institute’s programs offer a unique blend of theoretical classroom training and real life customs and taxation experiences. ITA programs are designed to address the competence needs of customs and tax practitioners at different stages of their careers. ITA has well qualified staff and adequate facilities to support its core functions of training, research and consultancy in the areas of taxation, customs and related fields.

Academic programmes;

Short courses

East African Customs and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate

Basic Certificate in Customs and Tax Management

Ordinary Diploma in Customs and Tax Management

Bachelor Degree in Customs and Tax Management

Postgraduate Diploma in Customs and Taxation

Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration

Short Courses Article Count:  1

Short courses

The short courses department is responsible for administering non-degree short-term programs.  These programs are tailor-made to suit specific performance needs and continuing professional development of the staff of the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Zanzibar Revenue Board (ZRB) and other key stakeholders involved in taxation and customs administration. The courses are delivered by well-qualified and experienced trainers in customs and tax administration.

The Institute collaborates with other Institutions involved in taxation and customs training as well as development partners such as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Nation Tax College (NTC) of Japan, and International Bureau for Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) of Netherlands, the East African Cooperation (EAC) and World Customs Organisation (WCO) to deliver short-term programs. Short courses of the Institute can be categorized into examinable and non-examinable courses.

Courses for TRA staffs

1. Customs Basic Course (CBC) 

This is an examinable course designed to equip fresh employed and re-categorized staff in Customs and Excise Department with necessary knowledge skills and behavioral development to become Customs Officers. This program is a blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job practical experience and is instructed by well-seasoned and experienced staff in customs.

2. Taxation Basic Course (TBC)

This is an examinable course designed to equip fresh employed and re-categorized staff in TRA Revenue departments, with necessary knowledge skills and behavioral development to become Tax Officers. The program is a blend of classroom instruction and on-the-job practical experience and is instructed by well-seasoned and experienced staff in taxation.

3. Other short courses

These courses are designed to address day-to-day operations needs and emerging issues specific for certain operations of customs and taxation administration. The programs are open for a wide range of cadres depending on the nature of the course.

Courses for other stakeholders

Apart from tailor-made courses specific for TRA, the Institute develops and delivers courses to address emerging issues such as taxation of specialized sectors to other stakeholders depending on their specific needs.

Basic Technician Certificate in Customs and Tax Management (CCTM) Article Count:  1

Basic Technician Certificate in Customs and Tax Management (CCTM)

This programme is competence-based developed in accordance with the Nation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) requirements focusing to facilitate students’ acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes needed in the labour market for holders of this qualification.

The objective of the programme is to promote skills among learners in social sciences and allied courses. It is intended to produce persons who will assist in clearing and forwarding of goods, tax management and record keeping.

 Duration of the Programme

The programme duration is twelve (12) months.

Programme Structure

The programme contains fourteen (14) modules which are spread over two semesters of seventeen (17) weeks each.  A semester has 15 weeks of instruction and study and two (2) weeks for examinations administration. A Basic Certificate programme is required to have a minimum of 120 credits. This particular programme has a total of 123 credits.

 Programme Modules

The modules are divided into two semesters. Table 3 shows the division of the modules, notional hours per week and credits for each.

 Modules for Basic Technician Certificate in Customs and Tax Management (CCTM) – NTA 4

Semester 1 Semester 2
CodeName CodeName
TST 04101Introduction to Taxation CST 04208Elements of Freight Logistics
GST 04102Elements of Data Processing GST 04209Elements of Office Management
GST 04103Basic Communication skills TST 04210Book Keeping
GST 04104Elements of Business Mathematics CST 04211Elements of Customs Enforcement
CST 04105Elements of Customs Law and Administration TST 04212Elements of Tax Administration and Ethics
GST 04106Elements of Commerce GST 04213Basic Life Skills
GST 04107Elements of Business Law 

Bachelor Degree in Customs and Tax Management (BCTM) Article Count:  1

Bachelor Degree in Customs and Tax Management (BCTM)

Overview of the Programme

The BCTM programme is competence-based developed in accordance with the Nation Council for Technical Education (NACTE) requirements. It focus to facilitate students’ acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for holders of this qualification to perform as customs and/or tax practitioners.

 Programme Structure

The programme consists of NTA level 7 and level 8. NTA Level 7 programme is divided into four semesters of seventeen (17) weeks study inclusive of two (2) weeks of examinations administration plus 8 weeks of guided field practicum which take place after the end of second semester. The NTA level 8 is divided into two semesters of seventeen (17) weeks study inclusive of two (2) weeks of examinations administration plus 8 weeks of guided field practicum which take place after the end of fourth semester of NTA level 7.

Programme Duration

The duration of the BCTM programme is three years (36 months)

 Programme Modules for Bachelor of Customs and Tax Management (BCTM)

Year 1, Semester 1 Year 1, Semester 2
CodeName CodeName
GSU 07101Business Law GSU 07208Business Communication
GSU 07102Microeconomics CSU 07209Customs Laws
TSU 07103Principles of Accounting GSU 07210Macroeconomics
GSU 07104Principles of Study Skills CSU 07211Tariff Classification
GSU 07105Business Mathematics TSU 07212Direct Tax Laws I
GSU 07106ICT Applications TSU 07213Indirect Taxes
GSU 07107Development Studies TSU 07214Financial Reporting
Year 3, Semester 1 Year 3, Semester 2
CodeName CodeName
TSU 08101Tax Administration  GSU 08211Research Project
TSU 08102Tax Accounting  TSU 08212Tax Audit and Investigation
CSU 08103Customs Enforcement  TSU 08213Tax Policy
TSU 08104International Taxation CSU 08214Contemporary Issues in Customs
CSU 08105International Trade and Finance Law TSU 08215Contemporary Issues in Taxation  
GSU 08106Field Attachment   
Electives Electives
GSU 08107Management Science GSU 08216Project and Risk Management 
GSU 08110Tax Analysis and Revenue Forecasting GSU 08217Managerial Economics
GSU 08108Strategic Management GSU 08218Organisational Behaviour
GSU 08109Entrepreneurship GSU 08219Electronic Commerce

Ordinary Diploma in Customs and Tax Management (DCTM) Article Count:  1

Ordinary Diploma in Customs and Tax Management (DCTM)

The DCTM is competence-based programme developed in accordance with NACTE requirements. It focus to facilitate students’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for holders of this qualification to perform as tax and customs technicians who will work flexibly at different work places.

 Duration of the programme

The programme duration is two years (24 months). 

Programme Structure

The programme comprises of two NTA levels (NTA 5 and NTA 6) with each NTA level consisting of two semesters of seventeen (17) weeks inclusive of two (2) weeks for examinations. The NTA level 5 programme culminates in a guided field practicum of eight weeks after the end of second semester examination. The programme comprises a total of 28 modules (13 at NTA 5 and 15 at NTA 6) with a total of 244 credits.

Programme Modules Ordinary Diploma in Customs and Tax Management (DCTM)

Semester 1 Semester 2
CodeName CodeName
TST 06101Principles of Income Tax TST 06209Fundamentals of Tax Accounting
GST 06102Principles of Auditing TST 06210Fundamentals of Tax Audit
GST 06103Principles of Management GST 06211Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
CST 06104Principles of Tariff Classification CST  06212Principles of Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin
CST 06105Customs Enforcement and Management GST  06213Fundamentals of Business mathematics and Statistics
GST 06106Fundamentals of Information Systems TST 06214Introduction to Local Government Taxation
TST 06107Principles of Tax Administration and Ethics CST 06215Freight  Logistics Management
GST 06108Internship 

Postgraduate Diploma in Customs and Taxation (PGDCT) Article Count:  1

Postgraduate Diploma in Customs and Taxation (PGDCT)

Overview of the Programme

The main objective of the programme is to enable trainees to administer all types of taxes i.e. direct, indirect and trade taxes. The programme is designed to convert graduates of different disciplines into total tax professionals. It is therefore open to graduates from various fields as economics, law, business administration, finance, engineering, accounting, etc.

 Programme Duration

The PGDCT programme is offered on regular and executive modes. The duration for Regular and Executive programmes is 12 and 18 months respectively.

Programme Structure 

The Postgraduate Diploma in Customs and Taxation (PGDCT) is a two-semester programme for both Regular and Executive modes. The PGDCT Regular is a day programme run for two semesters of seventeen weeks each. The two semesters comprise of classroom, lab work, field attachment (eight weeks), research work and dissertation writing.

PGDCT Executive is an evening and weekend programme run for two semesters of twenty four weeks each. The two semesters comprise of classroom, lab work, field attachment (12 weeks), research work and dissertation writing.

Programme Modules

The programme structure consists of core and elective courses. While core courses are mandatory, the student is required to select one optional course in each semester based on his/her academic background. The optional courses selected will have to be approved by the Deputy Rector Academic, Research and Consultancy.

 Structure of the PGDCT Programme (Tax Emphasis)

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional Hours*Credits
1CSP 09101Principles of goods classificationCore11011
CSP 09102Principles of  Valuation and Rules of OriginCore10010
TSP 09101Income Taxation ICore11011
TSP 09102Indirect TaxationCore10010
GSP 09101Economics and Public FinanceCore909
Sub Total 51
Electives (only one)
GSP 09102IT for ManagersFundamental707
GSP 09103Project ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09104Strategic ManagementFundamental707
TSP 09103Principles of AccountingFundamental707
TSP 09104Financial ReportingFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 1 58
2TSP 09205Income Taxation  IICore9010
TSP 09206Compliance and Enforcement in Tax and CustomsCore12011
TSP 09207Advanced Tax AccountingCore10010
TSP 09208International TaxationCore909
GSP 09205Research MethodologyCore1009
GSP 09206Field PracticumCore903
GSP 09207Research ProjectCore11011
Sub Total63
Electives (only one)
GSP 09208Risk ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09209Criminal Procedure LawFundamental707
TSP 09209Cost and Management  AccountingFundamental707
GSP 09210Quantitative MethodsFundamental707
TSP 09210Tax AuditFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 270
Grand Total128

Structure of the PGDCT Programme (Customs Emphasis)

SemesterCodeModule NameClassificationNotional
1CSP 09101Principles of goods classificationCore11011
CSP 09102Principles of  Valuation and Rules of OriginCore10010
TSP 09101Income Taxation ICore11011
TSP 09102Indirect TaxationCore10010
GSP 09101Economics and Public FinanceFundamental909
Sub Total  51
Electives (only one)
GSP 09102IT for ManagersFundamental707
GSP 09103Project ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09104Strategic ManagementFundamental707
TSP 09103Principles of AccountingFundamental707
TSP 09104Financial ReportingFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives 7
Total Credit for semester 1 58
2CSP 09203Custom Rules in customs clearance proceduresCore10010
CSP 09204Principles of International Trade laws and conventionsCore909
CSP 09205International Transport and LogisticsCore10010
TSP 09206Compliance and Enforcement in Tax and CustomsCore11011
GSP 09205Research MethodologyCore909
GSP 09206Field PracticumCore903
GSP 09207Research ProjectCore11011
Sub Total 63
Electives (only one)
GSP 09208Risk ManagementFundamental707
GSP 09209Criminal Procedure LawFundamental707
TSP 09209Cost and Management  AccountingFundamental707
GSP 09210Quantitative MethodsFundamental707
TSP 09210Tax AuditFundamental707
Sub Total for Electives7
Total Credit for semester 2 70
Grand Total128

Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration (MARLA) Article Count:  1

Master of Arts in Revenue Law and Administration (MARLA)

Programme Overview

This programme is offered in collaboration between ITA and two internationally celebrated universities, the University of Münster in Germany and University of Dar es Salaam. The programme is designed to cater for the needs of high level manpower in the whole of Africa for organizations dealing in Customs and/or Taxation (Policy, Law and Practice) both in the public sector and in the private sector. The programme allows specialization in either taxation or customs.

Program Structure

This is a two semester program, semester one carries four compulsory modules with the option of one elective from three modules. Semester two carries three compulsory modules with the option of one elective from three modules.

 Structure of MARLA programme

Compulsory Courses
LW 701Tax Policy and TheoryLW 701Tax Policy and Theory
PS 601Research MethodsPS 601Research Methods
LW 702Income Tax LawLW 706 Indirect Taxes
MRA 600Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal AnalysisLW 712 Private International Trade &Finance Law
Elective Courses
LW 707 Capital Gains and Taxes on PropertyLW 702Income Tax Law
LW 706 Indirect TaxesMRA 600Revenue Forecasting & Fiscal Analysis
LW 708Tax Crimes : Investigations & ProsecutionsLW 708 Tax Crimes : Investigations & Prosecution
Compulsory Courses
LW 704 Laws on Tax AdministrationMRA 601 Customs Management : Theory & Practice
LW 705 International TaxationLW 703 Taxes on International Trade
LW 719 Graduate EssayLW 719 Graduate Essay
Elective Courses
MRA 602 Tax Compliance and Risk ManagementMRA 602 Tax Compliance and Risk Management
LW 710 Advanced TaxationLW 713 Public International Trade Law
LW 709 Local Government TaxationLW 704Laws on Tax Administration

East African Customs and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate (CFFPC) Article Count:  1

East African Customs and Freight Forwarding Practising Certificate (CFFPC)

This programme has been designed as a joint initiative of the East African Revenue Authorities (EARA) and the Federation of East African Freight Forwarders Associations (FEAFA) to provide high quality and responsive services to their various customers such as importers, exporters, travellers and others. As agents of the Commissioner for Customs, clearing agents need to have a certain minimum level of proficiency in Customs Laws, regulations and procedures in order to help their clients comply easily with customs provisions. The programme has been adopted in all East African Community member countries.

The objective of this programme is to enable Customs Clearing Agents appreciate and understand how to efficiently and correctly apply Customs laws and procedures in order to provide professional and high quality services to their clients on behalf of the Commissioner for Customs.

 Duration of the Programme

The programme takes four (4) months to complete full time programme and six (6) months to complete part-time programme.

 Programme Structure

The CFFPC programme is taught in one semester and comprises of six (6) compulsory examinable courses each carrying four (4) units and one compulsory non-examinable course. One unit consists of one contact hour per week for fifteen (15) weeks.

Programme Modules

The Programme consists of six (6) examinable courses of four (4) units each and one non-examinable course as shown in the tables 1 and 2 below:

 Modules for Modules for CFFPC (Full time)

CodeName CodeName
FFCU 101&102Customs laws and procedures FFFF 201Port Clearance
FFCU 103Customs Tariff Classification FFFF 202Freight Forwarding Operations
FFCU 104WTO Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin FFBM 300Basic management skills
 FFCU 105Application of Automated Customs Systems

Modules for Modules for CFFPC (Part time)

Semester 1 Semester 2
CodeName CodeName
FFCU 101&102Customs laws and procedures FFFF 201Port Clearance
FFCU 103Customs Tariff Classification FFFF 202Freight Forwarding Operations
FFCU 104WTO Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin FFBM 300Basic management skills
 FFCU 105Application of Automated Customs Systems