By | March 2, 2023

Kabale University Postgraduate and Undergraduate Programmes (August Intake)

The Academic Registrar, Kabale University, invites applications to the following postgraduate and undergraduate programmes for the Academic Year (August Intake).


School/Faculty/Institute & Academic ProgrammesProgram codeDurationStudy time
Master of Medicine: Paediatrics and Child healthMMED:Pae3yearsFulltime
Master of Medicine: Obstetrics and GynaecologyMMED:Obs3yearsFulltime
Master of Public HealthMPH2yearsWeekend
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Direct or Diploma Entry)KMS5yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Direct Entry)KNS4yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Nursing Science (Completion/Diploma Entry)KND3yearsWeekend
Bachelor of Environmental Health Science (Direct or Diploma Entry)KHS3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (Direct/Ordinary Diploma Entry)KAN4yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine (Completion / Higher Diploma Entry)KANC2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Anaesthesia (Ordinary Diploma Entry)ANK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Environmental Health Science (Direct or Certificate Entry)EHK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Medical Records Management (Certificate or Direct Entry)MRK2yearsFulltime
PhD in Education (by coursework and Research)PhDE3yearsWeekend/Fulltime
PhD in Education (by Research)PhDER3yearsWeekend/Fulltime
Master of Educational Management and AdministrationEDM2yearsWeekend/Holiday
Master of Educational PsychologyMEP2yearsWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in EducationPDE1yearWeekend/Holiday
Bachelor of Science with Education
1.   Physical Sciences (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computer Education, Geography)KEP3yearsFulltime
2.   Biological Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physical Education)KEB3yearsFulltime
3.   Economics (Economics, Mathematics)KSE3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Arts with Education (History, Religious Studies, English Language Studies, Literature in English, French, Kiswahili, Runyakitara, Geography)KED3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Education – Secondary (Diploma Entry)BES2yearsHoliday
Bachelor of Education – Primary (Diploma Entry)BEP2yearsHoliday
Bachelor of Education – Early Childhood (Diploma Entry)BEEC2yearsHoliday
Diploma in Education – Primary (G.III Certificate Entry)EDK2yearsHoliday
Master of Science in Environment and Natural ResourcesMEN2yearsFulltime/ Weekend
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Diploma or Direct Entry)KES3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Agriculture and Land Use Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)BAL3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KAM3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Diploma or Direct Entry)KSA4yearsFulltime
Diploma in Environment Science (Certificate or Direct Entry)ESK2yearsFulltime
Master of Science in MathematicsMSM2yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Industrial ChemistryKIC3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in BiotechnologyKIB3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Applied PhysicsKAP3yearsFulltime
Higher Education Bridging Certificate (Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Economics and Geography)HEC1yearFulltime
Master of Computer ScienceMCS2yearsWeekend
Master of Information TechnologyMIT2yearsWeekend
Master of Information ScienceMIS2yearsWeekend
Bachelor of Information Technology (Diploma or Direct Entry)KIT3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Computer Science (Diploma or Direct Entry)KCS3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Diploma or Direct Entry)KLS3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Records and Information Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KRM3yearsFulltime
Diploma in Records Management (Certificate or Direct Entry)RMK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Library and Information Science (Certificate or Direct Entry)LSK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Computer Science (Certificate or Direct Entry)CSK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Information Technology (Certificate or Direct Entry)ITK2yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Applied Design and Fine Art (Direct Entry)KDA3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Diploma or Direct Entry)KCE4yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Diploma or Direct Entry)KEE4yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Diploma or Direct Entry)KME4yearsFulltime
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry)MEK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Civil Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry)CEK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Electrical Engineering (Certificate or Direct Entry)EEK2yearsFulltime
PhD in Business Administration (by Research)PhDBA3yearsWeekend
PhD in Business Administration (by Coursework and Research) (with Options:  Human Resource Management; Accounting and Finance; Procurement and Logistics Management; Finance; Management; Marketing; Tourism; Entrepreneurship)PhDBAR3yearsWeekend
Master of Tourism and HospitalityMTH2yearsWeekend
Master of Project Planning and ManagementMPM2yearsWeekend
Master of Business Administration (with Options:  Human Resource Management; Accounting; Procurement and Logistics Management; Finance and Banking; Management; Marketing)MBA2yearsWeekend
Master of Human Resource ManagementMRM2yearsWeekend
Master of EconomicsMEC2yearsWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and ManagementPPM1yearWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource ManagementHRM1yearWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Business AdministrationPGDBA1yearWeekend
Bachelor of Business Administration (with Options:  Accounting; Marketing; Finance and Banking; Human Resource Management; Procurement and Logistics Management) (Diploma or Direct Entry)KBA3yearsFulltime/ weekend
Bachelor of Procurement and Logistics Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KPL3yearsFulltime/ weekend
Bachelor of Arts in Economics (Diploma or Direct Entry)KEC3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KTH3yearsFulltime
Bachelor of Catering and Hospitality Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KCH3yearsFulltime
Diploma in Business Administration and Management (Certificate or Direct Entry)BAK2yearsFulltime/Weekend
Diploma in Tourism (Certificate or Direct Entry)THK2yearsFulltime
Diploma in Hotel Management (Certificate or Direct Entry)HMK2yearsFulltime
Certified Public Accountants ProgrammeCPA3-10yearsOccasional
PhD in Public Administration and Management (by Research)PhDPAM3yearsWeekend
PhD in Public Administration and Management (by Coursework and Research)PhDPAR3yearsWeekend
Master of Monitoring and EvaluationMME2yearsWeekend
Master of Public Administration and ManagementMPA2yearsWeekend
Master of Institutional Governance and LeadershipMLG2yearsWeekend
Master of Social WorkMSW2yearsWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and ManagementPAM1YearWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Monitoring and EvaluationPME1YearWeekend
Postgraduate Diploma in Institutional Governance and LeadershipPIL1YearWeekend
Bachelor of Arts in Social SciencesBSS3yearsFulltime/ Weekend
Bachelor of Public Administration and Management (Diploma or Direct Entry)KPA3yearsFulltime/ Weekend
Bachelor of Social Work (Diploma or Direct Entry)KSW3yearsFulltime/ weekend
Diploma in Social Work (Certificate or Direct Entry)SWK2yearsFulltime/ weekend
Diploma in Public Administration and Management (Certificate or Direct Entry)PAK2yearsFulltime/ weekend
Master of Arts in LiteratureMLT2yearsWeekend
Master of Arts in LinguisticsMAL2yearsWeekend
Master of Arts in KiswahiliMAK2yearsWeekend
Diploma in Kiswahili (Direct Entry)KLK2yearsWeekend


The Academic Registrar, Kabale University, invites applications from Diploma Holders for admission under the Government Sponsorship scheme for the 2023/2024 Academic Year in the following degree programmes:

Programmes available for admission under Government Sponsorship – Diploma Entry Scheme


  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering (KCE )
  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (KEE)
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (KME)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (KIT)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science (KCS)
  • Bachelor of Education (Science) Biological Option (KEB)
  • Bachelor of Education (Science) Physical Option (KEP)

Applicants for Government sponsorship should possess the following:

  1. At least a relevant second-class or credit diploma (or equivalent) from a recognised institution
  2. UACE, or equivalent, with at least one principal pass and two subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting
  3. UCE, or equivalent, with at least five passes obtained at the same sitting

Applicants may apply ONLINE or complete a PHYSICAL FORM

For Online Application

Open any browser – in the address/search bar, type and search

Click Sign up to create an application account (i.e.: set a username and password)

Thereafter, log in and click Apply now

Scroll through to choose the relevant Entry Scheme and click Apply now again

After filling in the online form, click Submit

To pay application fee, click Pay for Form to generate the Zeepay Reference Number. One can present the number to any bank or bank agent and pay 50,000plus a bank charge, or pay from Mobile Money.

For application by completing a hardcopy form:

For applicants who can visit the University or one of the outlets/Liaison Offices:

  • Obtain an application form, complete it, and attach photocopies of results slips and/or academic transcripts (where applicable)
  • Return the application to any of the following collection points;
    Kabale University Liaison Office, 3rd Floor, REEV House, Bombo Rd, Opposite Total Service Station, Wandegeya, Kampala
    Kabale University Office, Rukungiri District Headquarters, Rukungiri Municipality
    Kabale University, Kikungiri Campus, Kabale Municipality

To pay the application fee, click here:

  • In the displayed template, fill in the personal name, contact phone number and email address.
  • Then, click Continue, select Application Fee, and click Continue An invoice shall be generated. Check in the top right-hand corner for the Zeepay Reference Number (a 13-digit number). Take the number to any bank or bank agent and pay a non-refundable Application Fee of 50,000 plus a Bank Charge.


  1. ONLY applicants with official Transcripts/Result Slips and/or Certificates shall be considered.
  2. Applicants for postgraduate programmes and upgraders must attach certified copies of their Academic Transcripts and/or Certificates.
  3. Applicants holding academic qualifications attained outside Uganda must also attach copies of equivalence obtained from the Uganda National Examinations Board or Uganda National Council for Higher Education, as may be applicable.
  4. Information on specific admission requirements for all programmes can be obtained from (under Study at KABFees Structure), Academic Registrar’s Office, and Liaison Offices in Rukungiri and Kampala.
  5. Use the programme codes (not full names of programmes) when filling in choices
  6. Enquiries should be addressed to; or call 0782860259, 0704583059, 0775700551

The last day for submission of applications is  June 2024.

Programmes with beneficiaries of Fees Loans from the Higher Education Students’ Financing Board

  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry
  • Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology
  • Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Applied Physics
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science with Education
  • Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Agriculture and Land Use Management
  • Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
  • Bachelor of Environment Science
  • Bachelor of Environmental Health Science
  • Bachelor of Nursing Science (Direct Entry)
  • Bachelor of Nursing Science (Completion)
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
  • Bachelor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine
  • Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Catering and Hospitality Management
  • Diploma in Anaesthesia
  • Diploma in Environmental Health Science
  • Diploma in Medical Records Management
  • Diploma in Environmental Science
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma in Computer Science
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management