By | July 13, 2023

Karatu Health Training Institute Courses Offered

Diploma In Nursing

Programme Objectives.

The objectives of this programme are to:-

  • Enroll learners with desirable entry qualifications into the programme.
  • Engage qualified and competent trainers in the facilitation of students learning
  • Create a conducive environment for teaching and learning.
  • Distribute adequate and appropriate resources for enabling the teaching and learning process.
  • Monitor teaching and learning processes in Clinical and Community settings.
  • Evaluate student’s acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitude in Clinical and community settings.
  • Create strategies for formative and summative programme evaluation

KHTI organization structure was formulated based to ELCT ND policy and regulations, whereby the governing board composition is according to NACTE policy.

Certificate In Clinical Medicine

The certificate in Clinical medicine is a Two-year Programme, which has been developed to suit the needs of government commitment to improve Health care provision, labor market demands, and legal and professional needs that exist in our country.  It’s one of the initiatives done by the government to modernize qualifications within the Health sector and disciplines.  It is, therefore, expected that the graduates from this programme with aspirations to become full professionals.  The programme is a modular System and Operates under a semester structure.  This will facilitate a large degree of flexibility for the graduate’s future development.


  1. Play a primary role in Clinical management of Health care Services delivery at the mid-level.
  2. Practice appropriate skills as well as positive attitude and Conduct relevant to the Clinical medicine, preventive and curative Health facilities and the community.
  3. Produce creativity and innovativeness in response to risks inherent in the delivery of Health care services.
  4. Make Clinical judgments to arrive to proper diagnosis and correct management of patient utilizing broad range of Clinical Procedures.
  5. Utilize entrepreneurship principles approach of advocacy, partnership in Health economics for Health services delivery with due recognition of public policies, ethical and legal limitations.


KHTI organization structure were formulated based  to ELCT ND policy and regulations, whereby the governing board composition is according to NACTE policy

Basic Computer Application Course

This course which will let you know how to use a computer with a basic application. And it comprises the following programs:-

Introduction to Computer
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Publisher
E-mail & Internet.

Institute Details
Registration NoREG/HAS/113
Institute Name:Karatu Health Training Institute
Registration Status:Full Registered InstituteEstablishment Date:01-Jan-2000
Registration Date:06-Jul-2018Accreditation Status:Accredited
District:Karatu District CouncilFixed Phone255 737 768 644
Phone:255 737 768 644Address:P. O. BOX 165 ARUSHA
Email Address:karatuhealthtraining2012@gmail.comWeb Address: