By | February 12, 2020

The Association of Principals of Technical and Vocational Institutions of Uganda (TAPTVIU) is an association of all Government Technical, Vocational and Farm institutes which are currently seventy six (76) in total. It was formed in 2007 and incorporated on 7th November, 2007 as a company limited by guarantee and not having share capital by the registrar of companies.

The main objective of the Association is to improve on the quality of training and continuous professional development in the TVET sector. The seventy six (76) institutions include four (4) vocational Institutes, four (4) farm institutes and sixty eight (68) technical institutes.

The cost of skills training whether formal, informal or non-formal is relatively high and in most cases unaffordable by the majority of the training providers, hence compromising the quality. TVET system is expected to emerge from an educational sub-sector into a comprehensive system of skills development for employment, enhanced productivity and growth. TAPTVIU leadership will initiate, guide and provide a platform to ensure that all institutions are inventive, innovative, creative and integrative. . Most of our member institutions lack necessary computers, tools, machinery and equipment’s to facilitate competence based training as enshrined in the new curriculum developed by National Curriculum Development Centre.

The association was founded with a major goal of having a common force to create employable skills and competences relevant in the labour market both at national and international standards.advocate for professionalization, career growth and development and welfare improvement for the BTVET Staff and ensuring that BTVET institutions produce quality graduates who are competitive both on the local and international market. In addition, the association seeks to promote entrepreneurship among BTVET to improve their income at household level in accordance with the Government goal to attain vision 2040.

  • Achievements to Date
  • Implementation of TVET Curriculum developed by NCDC
  • Launched the BTVET Teachers SACCO by Minister of Education & Sports maama Janet Kataha Museveni on 22/06/2018 at Kiryandongo Technical Institute
  • All principals insured by Jubilee insurance company.
    • Current Challenges
  • Limited funding for implementing associations programs.
  • Lack of TAPTVIU Home
  • Lack of international accredited Centres skills development

Station: Kitgum Technical Institute

District: Kitgum

Current Principal: Mr. Ulyeni James

Contact: 0772360743

Selection Code:

Courses Offered: NCBC, NCAM, NCFD, NCES, NCWT, NCWF.