By | January 14, 2020

This website is designed to provide information about Kumi district local government. Any partner who would like to publish any information about Kumi on this website must contact the Chief Administrative Officer on the following mail: The same mail can also be used for any feedback about this website.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to fill the vacant posts that exist in Kumi District Local Government and Kumi Municipality.

Applications should be submitted in triplicate on PSF Form 3 (Revised 2008) for traditional and Health posts and ESC Form 3 (Revised 1998) for Teachers to the Secretary, District Service Commission, P.O. Box 44, Kumi

Applications should bear the title of the post applied for and its reference number specified against each vacancy.  Photocopies of academic certificates, transcripts, result slips, Registration Certificates, annual practicing licenses where applicable with three (3) recent passport size photographs must be attached.

Details of the Advert can be obtained from Kumi District Service Commission Offices, District website and Kumi Municipality Notice Boards, Sub County Offices and neighboring District Service Commissions.

Serving officers must route their applications through their Head of Departments who should be informed of the closing date to avoid delay.

Applicants can also view the job descriptions and specifications from the Ministry of Public Service Website.

How to Apply for Kumi District Vacancies

Apply for Kumi District Vacancies