By | May 19, 2022

Kyambogo University Civil Engineering Courses Offered

Kyambogo University Civil Engineering Courses – Check the list of courses offered at the department…

You are all very welcome to the Department of Civil and Building Engineering at Kyambogo University. The department was founded in 2002 as a merger of the former School of Building and Civil Engineering of the Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK) and the Department of Technological Studies (ITEK).

It is the most prestigious department in Uganda offering a four year BEng degree in Civil and Building Engineering and a three year BVoc degree in Technological Studies with Education. The department also is in advanced stages of starting MSc in Civil Engineering with specialised options in Structural Engineering, Transportation and Highway Engineering, Construction Technology and Management and Water Resources Engineering

The BEng and BVoc are offered as both day and evening full-time programmes. The day and evening programmes have the same contact hours and are taught by the same staff.
The BEng is accredited with the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers.

The department also offers diploma programmes in the evening only. These are Ordinary Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering, Ordinary Diploma in Water Engineering and Higher Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering. The ordinary diplomas are structured in such a way that they cover all the BEng first year courses in addition to trades and skills needed in the field for holders of the diploma to practice as Technicians.

Similarly, a graduate of Higher Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering covers all the courses covered in the second year of BEng in addition to other professional courses and skills needed in the field to practice as a Technologist. This arrangement makes is smooth for holders of good class diplomas to join the BEng at second year and third year.
All programmes in the department are accredited with the National Council for Higher Education.

Entry to the programmes is basically through Advanced Level Certificate. However, holders of relevant diplomas and certificates are admitted. Mature entrants who have passed the Mature Age examinations are also admitted but their proportion is quite low.

Studying engineering in the department offers an exciting career. We impart our graduates with rich technical skills both in theory and practice in addition to other skills needed by engineers such as teamwork, social and professional ethics, and environmental awareness and protection. Research projects carried out in the department offer students an opportunity to work as a team (group projects) and individuals (individual projects) to use acquired knowledge and skills to solve engineering and scientific problems in the real world.

Our graduates are employed in government departments, authorities and the private sector.
Details of the programmes can be accessed following the link on Programmes.ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES BEng in Civil and Building Engineering 4 year

BVoc in Technological Studies with Education 3 years

Higher Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering 2 years

Ordinary Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering 2 years

Ordinary Diploma in Water Engineering 2 years