By | April 18, 2023

Lake Katwe Technical Institute Courses Offered

The Lake Katwe Technical Institute offers the best technical and vocational training courses including:

  • NCBC
  • NCPL
  • NCES
  • NCAM

Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), is responsible for policy, financing, Licensing of private institutions, regulation & accreditation of TVET training & education. It performs its functions in collaboration with the national curriculum development center (NCDC). Also, the Directorate of education standards (DES) and several sector skills councils (SSC) and professional bodies.

TVET is headed by the commissioner and assisted by 3 assistant commissioners. the commissioners are in charge of the business, Technical & vocational education & training respectively. It oversees the operations & management of 146 government BTVET institutions and over 800 privately owned institutions.

For more information and inquiries, contact the Lake Katwe Technical Institute on:



Station: Lake Katwe Technical Institute

District: Kasese

Current Principal: Mr. Kajjubi Waako Fred

Contact: 0772449539