List Of Acts In Uganda
What are the types of laws in Uganda?
The laws applicable in Uganda are statutory law, common law, doctrines of equity and customary law. The Constitution is the supreme law in Uganda and any law or custom that is in conflict with it is null and void to the extent of the inconsistency.
Uganda has adopted 3 constitutions since her independence.
What is statutory law Uganda?
So the statutory law, common law, doctrines of equity and customary law are applicable in Ugandan legal system. All these laws are stipulated by their Judicature act. The constitution is the superior law over all other laws in Uganda. No other law will be taken in consideration which conflict the constitution.
What is customary law in Uganda?
Customary law has been part of Ugandan law for many years. Section 2 of the Local Council Courts Act, 2006 defines “customary law” to mean “the rules of conduct established by custom and long usage having the force of law and not forming part of the common law nor formally enacted in any legislation”.
Here are the List Of Acts In Uganda
Administration of Judiciary Act
Electoral Commission (Amendment) Act
Institute of Parliamentary Studies Act
Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement) (Amendment) Act
Local Government (Amendment) Act
Local Governments (Amendment) (No.2), Act
Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) (No. 2) Act
Parliamentary Elections (Amendment) Act
Political Parties and Organisations (Amendment) Act
Presidential Elections (Amendment) Act
Tax Procedures Code (Amendment) Act
Tobacco Control (Amendment) Act
Traffic and Road Safety Act,1998 (Amendment) Act
Value Added Tax (Amendment) (No.2) Act
Value Added Tax (amendment) Act
Is Uganda a dualist state?
Uganda is a dualist State and as such all international instruments that she adopts and or ratifies do not apply directly. Upon ratification, the Treaty or other instrument has to be domesticated under the Treaties Ratification Act. The Covenant on ESCR is therefore not directly enforceable in Uganda.
Is customary marriage legal in Uganda?
Customary/traditional marriage
The law of the Republic of Uganda says a customary marriage between a couple should be registered with Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB) before six months elapse. If a couple doesn’t register it, however, their marriage remains legally binding and acceptable.