List Of Acupuncture Schools In Uganda

List Of Acupuncture Schools In Uganda

Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and a component of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body. Acupuncture is a pseudoscience; the theories and practices of TCM are not based on scientific knowledge, and it has been characterized as quackery.

Below are the List Of Acupuncture Schools In Uganda

Natural Chinese Herbal and Acupuncture Clinic


Uganda Christian University School Of Medicine

Uganda Institute of Allied Health & Management Sciences (UIAHMS-MULAGO)

JB Chinese Medical Centre

Human Mechanic Physiotherapy LTD

How long does it take to train as an acupuncturist?

about three years

For most schools, you can expect to spend about three years studying to earn your acupuncture accreditation. A professional acupuncture curriculum typically consists of: At least 47 semester credits in Oriental medical theory, diagnosis and treatment techniques in acupuncture and related studies.

What is diploma in acupuncture?

Diploma and PG Diploma Acupuncture Courses

Diploma courses offer specific knowledge about the Traditional method of therapy which helps to treat the patients who have some diseases or pain in the body. While the diploma courses are 6 months to 1 year long and PG Diploma courses can be of 1 year to 2 years of duration.

How much does a junior doctor earn in Uganda?

For intern doctors, this should be Shs 2,500,000 i.e. half of the Shs 5,000,000 a medical officer is to earn,” the statement reads in part. The pay increase will also affect graduate nurses, midwives and pharmacists that have all been learning Shs 750,000 monthly.

How much do doctors earn per month in Uganda?

Salary range for the majority of workers in Generalist medical practitioners – from USh949,065 to USh3,382,959 per month. A Generalist medical practitioners typically earns between USh949,065 and USh2,457,769 net per month at the start of the job.