List Of Herbs In Uganda
Herb is any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavouring, food, medicine, or perfume.
Below are the List Of Herbs In Uganda
Cultivated Medicinal Plants used in treatment of Sexual Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction in Western Uganda
Family Scientific Name Local Name Habit Parts Used Preparation Administration
Alliaceae Allium cepa L. Katunguru (NY, KI, RU)
Onion (Engl.) H ST-BU, L, RT chewing, cooking oral in water and in food
Alliaceae Allium sativum L. Tungurusumu (KO)
Garlic (ENG) H ST-BU, L, RT chewing, cooking oral in water and in food
Cannabaceae Cannabis sativa L. Njayi (GA)
Njaga (NY)
Marijuana (ENG)
Mbangi (SW) S L chewing, smoking oral, inhaling fumes
Capparaceae Cleome gynandra L. Esobyo/Amarera (KO)
Eshogi (NY) H L, R, FL chewing, cooking oral or as food
Malvaceae Sida tenuicarpa Vollesen Keyeyo (RU) H L pounding, boiling oral
Papilionaceae Arachis hypogaea L. Binyebwa (NY, RU)
Ground nuts (ENG) H SE roasting oral as food
Rubiaceae Coffea arabica L. Mwani (NY)
Arabica Coffee (ENG) S SE roasting, chewing oral as a beverage
Solanaceae Capsicum frutescens L. Kamurari (GA)
Eshenda (NY)
Red pepper (ENG) H FR pounding, boiling, chewing oral in food
Zingiberaceae Zingiber officinale Roscoe Ntangahuzi (NY),
Ntangawizi (SW),
Ginger (ENG) H RH pounding, boiling oral in tea, porridge, milk as a beverage
Key: SW (Swahili); ENG (English); KO (Rukonjo); RU (Runyaruguru); NY (Runyankore); KI (Rukiga); GA (Luganda); S (shrubs); H (herbs); L (leaves); R (roots); RT (root tuber); RH (rhizome); FR (fruits); SE (seeds); ST-BU (stem-bulb).
Wild-harvested Medicinal Plants used in treatment of Sexual Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction in Western Uganda
Family Scientific Name Local Name Habit Parts Used Preparation Administration
Anacardiaceae Rhus vulgaris Meikle Mukanja (NY)
Mukanza (RU) S B, R, L chewing, boiling oral and eaten as raw fruits
Asclepiadiaceae Mondia whiteii Skeels Mulondo (GA) H-CL R chewing, boiling, pounding oral in water, in tea and in food
Asteraceae Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. Kayayana (GA) S L, R chewing, boiling oral
Balsaminaceae Impetiens sp. Entungwabaishaija (NY) H WP chewing, boiling oral
Caesalpinaceae Cassia didymobotrya Fresen. Mugabagaba (NY)
Mukyora (RU)
Mucora (KO) S L, R chewing, boiling oral
Caesalpinaceae Cassia occidentalis L. Mwitanzoka (NY, KO) H L, R chewing, boiling oral
Canellaceae Warburgia ugandensis Sprague Mwiha (RU) T B, L, R pounding, boiling oral in tea or porridge
Celastraceae Catha edulis Mairungi (NY, RU),
Miira (SW) S L, ST chewing oral by chewing fresh leaves and young stem.
Euphorbiaceae Flueggea virosa (Willd.)
Voigt Omukarara (RU)
Omukalali (KO) S L, R pounding, boiling oral
Euphorbiaceae Tragia brevipes Pax. Engyenyi (NY) H-CL L pounding, boiling oral
Mimosaceae Acacia sieberiana Scheele Munyinya (NY, RU) T B pounding, boiling oral
Mimosaceae Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight & Arn. Muremanjojo (RU) T B pounding, boiling oral
Myricaceae Macrotyloma axillare (E.Mey.) Verdc. Akaihabukuru / Kihabukuru (RU) H-CL L, RT pounding, boiling oral
Myricaceae Myrica salicifolia Hochst. ex A.Rich. Mujeje (NY) S R, B pounding, boiling oral
Palmae Phoenix reclinata Jacq. Akakindo (NY),
Mukindo (NY) S L, R pounding, boiling oral
Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca dodecandra L’Herit Muhoko (NY)
Ruhuko (KO) S L, R pounding, smearing smear on ripe banana and roast
Polygonaceae Coffea spp. Mwani (NY)
Wild Coffee (ENG) S SE roasting, chewing oral as a beverage
Polygonaceae Hallea rubrostipulata (K.Schum.)
J.F. Leroy Muziiko (NY) T B, R pounding, boiling oral
Polygonaceae Rumex abyssinicus Jacq. Mufumbagyesi (NY)
Mufumbijesha (RU)
Kasekekambaju (GA, KO) S L, ST chewing oral
Polygonaceae (S.Moore) Bremek. Tarenna graveolens Munywamaizi (NY) Munyamazi (KO, RU) S B, L, R pounding, oral boiling
Rutaceae Citropsis articulata Swingle & Kellerman Muboro (NY, RU)
Katimboro (KO, TO) T B,R pounding, boiling, chewing oral as beverage in tea
Sterculiaceae Cola acuminata Schott & Endl. Ngongolia (SW),
Engongoli (KO, RU)
Cola nut (ENG) T FR Roasting, pounding, chewing oral in tea, porridge, milk as a beverage
Tiliaceae Grewia similis K. Schum. Mukarara (RU) S L, B pounding, boiling oral
Urticaceae Urtica massaica Mildbr. Engyenyi (NY) H-CL WP pounding, boiling oral
Key: SW (Swahili); ENG (English); KO (Rukonjo); RU (Runyaruguru); NY (Runyankore); GA (Luganda); TO (Lutooro); T (trees); S (shrubs); H (herbs); H-CL (herb-climber); ST (stem); B (bark); L (leaves); R (roots); RT (root-tuber); FR (fruit); SE (seeds); WP (whole plant).
What are 10 medicinal plants?
- Calendula (Calendula officinalis).
- Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla).
- Peppermint (Metha x piperita).
- Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum).
- Plantain (Plantago major).
- Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis).
- English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia “Vera”).
- Hops (Humulus lupulus).
How many types of herbs are there?
There are approximately 75-100 kinds of herbs and flowers in the National Library of Medicine herb garden. Plants have a long and rich history of medicinal use and, even in the era of modern medicine, their medicinal properties are still sought after.