List Of Parastatals In Uganda
A company or agency owned or controlled wholly or partly by the government.
Below are the List Of Parastatals In Uganda
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
To direct and regulate air transport industry in Uganda
Entebbe Airport; Entebbe, Uganda
Telephone: +256 414 352000+256 414 352000, 0312 352000 Fax: +256 414 321401, 256 414 320571
256 414 320571,
Dairy Development Authority (DDA)
To develop and regulate the dairy industry in a sustainable manner.
P. O. Box 34006 Kampala, Uganda
Plot 1 Kafu Road Nakasero, Kampala
Tel: (256) 414-343901(256) 414-343901 Fax: (256) 414-250270
Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA)
To regulate the Generation, Transmission, Sale, Export, Import and Distribution of electrical energy in Uganda.
P.O. Box 10332 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256 41 341852/646, +256 312 260166+256 312 260166/ Fax: +256 41 341624
Uganda Revenue Authority
To provide Uganda with excellent revenue services with passion and purpose.
Nakawa Industrial Area; P.O. Box 7279, Kampala Uganda
General line: +256-41-334000/1-10 Email:
Inspectorate of Government (IGG)
To promote good governance through enhancing accountability and transparency; and enforcement of the rule of law and administrative justice in public offices.
Jubilee Insurance Centre; Plot 14, Parliament Avenue,
P.O. Box 1682,Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256414344219+256414344219(General Line),+256 414 347 876
+256 414 347 876 (Hot Line) Fax: +256 414 344 810
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU)
To develop and promote the accountancy profession in Uganda and beyond
Plot 42, Bukoto Street, Kololo P.O Box 12464, Kampala
Tel: 25641-4540125, 256312-262333, 25670-1540125 Email:
Uganda Manufacturers Association (UMA)
To promote and protect the interests of industrialists and manufacturers in Uganda
Lugogo Show Grounds
P.O. Box 6966 Kampala
Tel: +256-414-221034+256-414-221034/287615 Email:;
Judicial Service Commission (JSC)
To establish an effective and efficient judiciary in Uganda and to contribute to promotion of law and order.
Farmers House Ground Floor, Plot 6/8 Parliamentary Avenue
P.O. Box 7679 Kampala,Uganda
Tel: +256-414-344154+256-414-344154/230058 Email:
National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS)
To increase farmers’ accesss to information, knowledge and technology for profitable agricultural production.
Block B, Legacy Towers, Nakasero; Plot 5 Kyadondo Road
P.O. Box 25235; Kampala, Uganda
Toll free line: 0800230100 Tel: 0312-345060/1/2/3/4 Email:
National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)
To enhance the contribution of agricultural research to suitainable agricultural productivity, economic growth, food security and poverty eradication through generation and dissemination of appropriate tehnologies, knowledge and information.
NARO Secretariat; Plot 3 Lugard Avenue
P.O. Box 259; Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256-41-320512/320341/2 Email:
National Council of Sports(NCS)
To provide an enabling enivornment for the investment in and promotion of sports in Uganda.
Plot 2-10 Coronation Avenue, Lugogo
P.O. Box 20077; LugogoKampala, Uganda
Tel: (414) 254 447/343 688/9 Email:
National Drug Authority (NDA)
To ensure access to quality, safe and effecacious human and veterinary medicines and other healthcare products through the regulation and control of their production, importation, districbution and use.
Plot 46/48 Lumumba Avenue
P.O. Box 23096; Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-41-255665/347391/2 Email:
National Forestry Authority (NFA)
To contribute to sufficiently forested, ecologically stable and economically prosperous Uganda.
Plot 10/20 Spring Road, Nakawa
P.O. Box 25235; Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-312-264035+256-312-264035/6, 414-230365/6 Email:
National Information Technology Authority (NITA)
To transform Uganda into a knowledge-based society by leveraging IT as a strategic resource to enhance government services, enrich businesses and empower citizens..
Palm Courts, Plot 74, Rotary Avenue (Former Lugogo Bypass)
P.O. Box 33151; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-417-801038+256-417-801038 Email:
National Medical Stores (NMS)
To effectively and efficiently supply essential medicines and medical supplies to Uganda
Plot 4-6, Nsamizi Road, P.O. Box 16; Entebbe – Uganda
Toll free: 0800 122210800 12221 (Uganda Telecom) 0800 200015
0800 200015 (MTN) Email:
National Planning Authority (NPA)
Plot 15B, Clement Hill Road
P.O. Box 21434; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-414-250214+256-414-250214/250229 Email:
National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
To secure a better life for our growing membership providing quality products, great customer service and offering competitive returns in a transparent and efficient environment.
Workers House, 14th Floor Plot 1, Pilkington Road
P.O. Box 7140; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-417-331755+256-417-331755 Email:
Population Secretariat
To formulate and review the National Population Policy, ensuring policy and programme conherence, including alignment with appropriate international instruments and agreements.
Statistics House,
P.O. Box 2666; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-417-705400+256-417-705400 Email:
Private Sector Foundation Uganda
To strengthen private sector capacity for effective policy advocacy and market competitiveness.
43 Nakasero Hill Road
P.O. Box 7683; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-312-263850+256-312-263850/261850 Email:
Privatisation & Utility Sector Reform Project (PUSRP)
To improve the quality, coverage and economic efficiency of commercial aand utility services, through privatisation, private participation in infrastructure (PPI) and improved regulatory framework.
Communications House, 2nd & 11th Floor, Plot 1, Colville Street
P.O. Box 10944; Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-312-325600+256-312-325600/20 Email:
Public Procurement And Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA)
To regulate and facilitate public procurement and disposal in Uganda by setting standards, building capacity and monitoring compliance and ultimately contribute to socio-economic development.
UEDCL Towers 5th Floor,Plot 37, Nakasero Road
P.O. Box 3925; Kampala – Uganda
Public Service Commission (PSC)
To provide goverment of Uganda with employees of the right caliber, in the right numbers, placed in the right jobs at the right time.
Farmers House, 2nd Floor, Parliamentary Avenue
P.O. Box 7080, Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-4143422679 Email:
The Amnesty Commission Uganda (ACU)
It was established by the Amnesty Act of 2000 as a body charged with the task of implementing the Act.
Plot 97 Bugand Road
P.O. Box 33956, Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-414257118+256-414257118/345584 Email:
The Office of the Auditor General
To audit and report to Parliament and thereby make an effective contribution to improving public accountability and value for money spent.
Plot 2/4 Apollo Kaggwa Road
P.O. Box 7083, Kampala – Uganda
The Uganda Road Fund (URF)
To manage the Fund with prudence, itegrity and transparency in a commercial, cost effective and in efficient manner.
5th Floor Twed Towers, Plot 10 Kafu Road, Nakasero
P.O. Box 7501, Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-414257072+256-414257072/312-229009 Email:
Uganda Communications Commission (UCC)
To facilitate provision of innovative, effective and eficient communications services through excellence in our regulation
UCC House, Plot 42-44 Spring Road, Bugolobi
P.O. Box 7376, Kampala – Uganda
Tel:+256-414339000+256-414339000/312 339000
Uganda Electricity Generation Co. Ltd.(UEGCL)
To effeciently generate electricity, effectively monitor electricity generation concessions and trade in bulk quality, safe and reliable power at competitive rates in a sustainable manner for accelerating economic development.
3rd Floor UEDCL Tower, Plot 37, Nakasero Road
P.O. Box 75831 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-312 372 165+256-312 372 165 Email:
Uganda Electricity Transmission Co. Ltd.
To become a leading stratgic partner in the transmission and single buyer business and to support sustainable Energy Development in Uganda.
Plot 10, Hannigton Road
P.O. Box 7625 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-417802000+256-417802000/414-233433 Email:
Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB)
To brand Uganda on the world market as a supplier of reliable and quality export products with a view to earning sustantial foreign exchange to enable the country achieve and sustain its growth and development goals.
Plot 22, Entebbe Road
P.O. Box 75831 Central Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414 230233+256-414230250 Email:
Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC)
To protect and promote fundamental Human Rights and freedoms in Uganda for sustainable development.
Plot 22, Lumumba Avenue
P.O. Box 4929 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414-348007/8,233757 Email:
Uganda Insurance Commission (UIC)
To advance the interests of insurance and reinsurance companies by adopting a common strategy that encourages and promotes close cooperation, the exchange of business among members, builds on knowledge through research, influences the enactment of favourable legislation and represents the view of the membership to government, quasi-governmenr and private bodies.
Insurers House Plot 24A, Acacia Avenue, Kololo
P.O. Box 8612 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414 230469+256-414 230469
Uganda Electoral Commission
To organise and conduct regular free and fair elections and referenda proffessionally, impartially and effectively.
Plot 55, Jinja Road
P.O. Box 22678 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-312 262208/9/10/11+256-414 337500
Uganda Investment Authority
To promote and facilitate investment projects, provide serviced land and advocate for a competitive business environment.
Investment Centre,TWED Plaza, Plot 22B Lumumba Avenue
P.O. Box 7418 Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-414-301000+256-414-301000
Email: Website:
Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS)
To provide standards, measurements and conformity assessment services for improved quality of life.
Plot M217 Nakawa Industrial Area
P.O.BOX 6329 Kampala, Uganda
To direct and regulate air transport industry in Uganda.
Uganda National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (UNCCI)
To be the leading private sector body for the business community in Uganda providing members with an influential local, regional and global network for business growth.
Plot 1A, Kiira Road; Mulago
Kampala, Uganda
Uganda National Council for Science & Technology (UNCST)
To provide effective and innovative leadership in the development, promotion and application of Science and Technology and its integration in sustainable national development.
Plot 6 Kimera Road, Ntinda
P.O. Box 8612 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414 750500
Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB)
To ensure continued improvement of Quality, Validity and Reliability of Assessment and Evaluation of Cirriculum and Learners Achievements.
35 Martyrs Way, Ntinda
P.O. Box 7066 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414 286635/6/7/8
Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
To operate a safe, efficient and well-developed national roads network.
Plot 5, Lourdel Road, Nakasero
P.O. Box 28487 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-312 233100; +256-414 318000
Email: /
Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
To promote, protect and register, business enterprises, intellectual property rights, civil matters, act as Official Receiver and collect Non tax Revenue through an effective records management system.
Level 5 Georgian House, Plot 5, George Street
P.O. Box 6848 Kampala, Uganda
Tel:+256-414 235915