By | July 7, 2019

Makerere University Mature Age Entry Scheme Examinations

The Academic Registrar, of Makerere University, announces that the Mature Age Entry Scheme examinations for the academic year entry will be held on December 2024.

To be eligible for the Mature Age Entry Examinations, the candidate must be at least 25 years old before August, 2024.

Application forms for those intending to sit the examinations are issued at the university, Room 505, Senate Building on payment of non-refundable application fees of UGX200,000/=including 10 past papers excluding bank charges (Paid in any Stanbic Bank Branch, DFCU, Post Bank, UBA and Centenary Bank) after getting a reference number from Room 612, Senate Building.

Application Forms can be accessed below from the attached documents


Please see downloads below for the forms to be filled in the event of application for admission to Makerere University under the different schemes


 Makerere University Application Form Mature Age Entry

 Makerere University Application Form Bachelor of Education-EXTERNAL

Makerere University Application Form (Diploma Holders) GOVERNMENT

Makerere University Application Form (Diploma Holders) PRIVATE



Pre-entry Examinations-Bachelor of Laws Application Form

Contact us for more Information


Makerere University

P.O. Box 7062

Kampala, Uganda

All forms must be returned in person with evidence of payment of the application fees. The closing date for submitting the completed application forms is NOVEMBER.

Further details may be obtained from LEVEL 5, ROOM 505, Senate Building, Makerere University.

Alfred Masikye Namoah

Makerere-AR-Mature-Age-Entry-Scheme-Exams-Announcement-.pdf274.58 KB
Makerere-AR-Mature-Age-Entry-Scheme-Application-Form.pdf574.42 KB
Makerere-AR-Mature-Age-Entry-Scheme-Exams-Procedure.pdf195.79 KB