By | June 27, 2019

Makerere University News Updates

Makerere University Master of Instructional Design and Technology Admissions

AFRISA CoVAB Call for Applications Intake

AFRICA is a special institute of Makerere University in partnership with the Government of Uganda functioning as a Centre of Excellence to promote hands-on skilling, enterprise development, employment creation, value-addition, technology adoption, and cooperatives.

At AFRISA, you can start your career and business at Certificate and Diploma level and gradually upgrade to university degrees. AFRISA programs produce professional farmers, farm industrialists, value-chain technicians and entrepreneurs.

Programs are offered on day, evening, and weekend schedules. Applications are invited for admission to Diplomas, Ordinary Certificates, Artisan, and General Skills Courses in the following fields of occupation:

1) Laboratory Science Education and Industry
2) Dairy Industry and Business
3) Poultry Industry and Business
4) Feed Industry and Business
5) Fish Industry and Business
6) Pig Industry and Business
7) Leather Industry and Business
8) Meat Industry and Business
9) Bee Industry and Business
10) Wildlife Industry and Business

Please see Downloads for tuition fees applicable

Applications are received throughout the year. Pick forms from the AFRISA Secretariat or download forms from the Website ( A non-refundable application fee of Ugx. 50,000/= is required and proof of payment must be attached to a filled application form on submission.

Bank: Centenary Bank, Makerere University Branch;
Account Name: Africa Institute for Strategic Animal Resource Services and Development;
Account No: 4910300067
Contact: +256-774-814162; +256-701-088271; +256-782-746778; Physical Address: AFRISA Secretariat, Veterinary Complex, Block B, Makerere University Main Campus.