By | April 27, 2022

Makerere University Short Term Studentship Scheme

The Short Term Studentship Scheme was approved by the Senate at its Special Meeting Held on 3rd May, 2006. The Scheme caters for students who come to Makerere from other recognized Universities.

1. Objectives (a)  Improvement of knowledge base of students. (b) To enable a student to acquire more knowledge through  experiential learning in a different environment.

2. General Requirements (a) Studying under the scheme does not lead to any award. (b)  Candidates who apply for admission under the scheme should not  already be Makerere University students. (c) Registered Short-Term student shall not transfer to degree programmes or change status of registration on the basis of their performance while on the scheme. (d) The Short-term Studentship scheme applies to both the Undergraduate and postgraduate students.

3. Admission Requirements Applicants under the scheme MUST: (a)  Be students of other recognized Universities, or (b)  Possess the Makerere University admission requirements.

4. Application for, and Duration of Registration (a) A short-term student is one whose duration of studentship at  the University is  at least one Semester and who is not at the time of application, studies or registered for the a Certificate, Diploma or Degree Programme of Makerere University. (b) Students of other Institutions should apply through the Heads of such institutions. (c) Applications must be submitted to the University not later than two months before the commencement of the semester in which admission is sought. (d) Registration for short-term studentship shall be at the beginning of each semester like regular students on Makerere University Programmes, unless otherwise specified. (e) Short term students are required to register as students of the University for one full Semester to any year of study as long as they meet the pre-requisites.   As registered students, all regulations governing full time students will apply to them unless otherwise stated. The tuition fees, charged per Course and functional fees should be paid before a student is registered. (f) Short-term studentship may be terminated on the following grounds:  serious breach of University regulations, abscondment and/or irregular attendance of classes.

5. Examinations and Awards (a) Such registration shall not lead to any award of the University, unless otherwise decided by Senate. (b) At the end of the Semester, Short-term students have to sit University examinations under the same regulations as the full time University students. (c) Short-term student may audit any course at this University by permission and provided they have registered in at least one Course.  All audited Courses must be paid for at the prevailing University rates.

